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Ethical and Legal Issues Pertaining to Death, Dying, and Funerary Options and Rituals

Essay Instructions:

This assessment provides you with an opportunity to consider ethical and legal issues pertaining to death, dying, and funerary options and rituals. The assessment also provides you with an opportunity to consider your own attitudes and values as they relate to death and dying. In Blackboard, you will find a checklist entitled Preparing for Your Own Death, which was retrieved from the website It's Okay to Die , and a response paper template.


First, review the checklist and consider each item. Then, for each of the major areas (listed below) write a paragraph (4-5 sentences) in which you address the topics as they pertain to you. Record your responses in the response paper template posted to Blackboard. Be sure your responses are free of errors in grammar, punctuation.

Health Care Issues, Opinions, and Options

My Required End-of-Life Paperwork (Medical and Legal)

Personal Communications with Your Family and Friends

Am I OK to Die?

Personal Clean-up

Insurance Issues

Financial Issues

Business Arrangements (only if applicable)

Funeral Planning and Logistics

The checklist, a response paper template. Your paper must be submitted by the date due as listed in the Course Outline, without exception.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Ethical and legal issues Pertaining to Death, Dying, and Funerary Options and Rituals
Name of the Student
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Course ID
Instructor’s Name
Due Date
Ethical and legal issues Pertaining to Death, Dying, and Funerary Options and Rituals
Approaching death covers a wide range of efforts to understand the meaning of life. We are yet to learn more about health care issues, opinions, and various options at the end of life. At one point in life, death is inevitable. It could occur expectedly or not. Early preparation of death helps a person relieve others the burden of deciding whether they live or die. One can create a peace-filled end of life.
If I were told I have a terminal illness by my doctor, my first step would be to empower myself with my illness. I would further look for a second opinion for the diagnosis and evaluate the results with my research. With the diagnosis of the terminal illness, I would accept that it will bring immediate reshuffle to my priorities. I would have to accept the new challenges and concerns, among other issues. I would learn to recognize the life symptoms I am about to experience and improve the quality of the remaining time of my last thirty-seven years. In my new journey, I would recognize that I can experience a tremendous range of emotions and work with my doctors to explain my alternative treatment alternatives.
My doctor would be useful in helping me understand my disease's typical course and the management and control of my symptoms. I would ask my doctor to help me make decisions for hospice care depending on my care goals. I prefer to die in the hospital because I believe it would be an easier transition of life with the best possible care and an easy transition to the funeral home. I would hate to have my family and friends see me in an extremely helpless situation where they cannot help me, neither can I. I would not let them be traumatized by my slow death in the house, where they would have occasional flashbacks of my painful transition. In my Self-Assessment Scale, I would fill out that I would not want to be in any artificial or technologically enhanced life support form such as artificial nutrition by feeding tube. I have a very independent personality and choose the most realistic option available and would not stand in a situation where I am in "assisted living."
In my required end-of-life paperwork, my advanced directive would state that in case of my incapacity, I would prefer if my family did not choose any form of assisted living to progress my mortality but instead let nature take its course. My guidance for my family and friends make the best decision that would minimize unnecessary and prolonged suffering. I would love for them to understand that even though it will be an emotional burden for them to bear, it would be my most preferred guidance to my end-of-life journey. My will and other legal documents are updated and are in with my attorney. I will update and include other finer details with my attorney this week. My will includes documents of my advanced directives, which will guide my family in making a crucial decision when I am incapacity.
An overwhelming mix of emotions would accompany my communication with my friends and family. These people are everything I love and live for, and I feel I indeed owe them a decent conversation about my unforeseen exit. I would engage them with the diagnosis, my research, and treatment. It would help them improve and handle their psychological and other related outcomes of my dying process. My family and circle of friends' view of death are that it's not a taboo topic. I acknowledge that this is not a magical talk to invite people into my life, but I believe a last piece of conversation with the peopl...
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