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Compare The Sermon on the Mount and Psalm 23. Essay

Essay Instructions:

Compare Psalm 23 and The Sermon on the Mount.The works have similar themes or messages.What is the main idea of each? How are they alike/different? How is the style,or genre of each work appropriate to its purpose? (These questions are meant to provide guidance,but you will need to choose one or two of these questions to answer,or create your own comparison. You will need to provide in-text citations.This paper should be in 12 pt. Times New Roman font. Double-spaced.

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Comparison of Sermon on the Mount and Psalms 23
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Comparison of Sermon on the Mount and Psalms 23
The topic of intertextuality between the two testaments of the Bible has received little consideration by scholars in the past. However, theologians have recently shifted their focus to the subject and began to examine passages from both the Old and New Testaments. This paper contributes to advances in this field by comparing two seminal passages, Psalms 23 and Sermon on the Mount, with the aim of affirming that the two have discernable connections at both thematic and conceptual levels. The paper further details the main ideas of the two passages and how style and genres are appropriate to the purpose of each.
Themes and Main Ideas
To begin, Sermon on the Mount has the theme; the meaning of living as a follower of Jesus Christ. The passage further reveals the eschatological rewards for the righteous and punishment for the impious. The sermon begins with a passage on beatitudes and then proceeds to few other metaphorical parables on salt and light. Also, the sermon details several practical messages about life that distinguish the meaning of true discipleship with two groups; the scribes and Pharisees. Therefore, the main idea of Sermon on the Mount was to define the true meaning of discipleship; which is accepting the conditions of God’s Kingdom and being different from the world.
On the other hand, Psalms 23’s theme is that God is a provider and protector of his creation. The main idea of this seminal passage is to give thanks to God for his abundant protection as well as express faith in his loving care. Throughout this psalm chapter, the author, King David, specifies the ways of God’s provision; leading, guidance and refreshing. He finally concludes his thanksgiving hymn by declaring his position if he chooses to remain with God; “your goodness and love will follow me…”.
Style and Purpose
There are strong stylistic linkages between these two passages which are appropriate in accomplishing their purpose. The authors of both texts use styles such as metaphors and comparison to things that are unlike with the aim of gaining the interest of their audience. Common to both texts are metaphors. In Psalm 23:4, the author uses a metaphor to support the image of the psalm; “though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death…” (Psalms 23:4, New International Version) In this phrase, the author of Psalms is not walking through a valley. However, the phrase has been used to symbolize an individual who is going through a difficult moment but does not despair because God is with them. The author also uses another metaphor towards the end of the passage when he makes his declaration of his choice to remain with God. Through inference, the audience can understand the meaning of the phrase “I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever” as a way of saying that he will go to heaven (Psalms 23:...
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