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Analyzing Editorial Articles and Reducing Food Consumption

Essay Instructions:

Week 3 Homework: Resolutions

Instructions:   Write about 1-1.5 pages total, divided equally into these two parts.


Part 1: Write a large paragraph of analysis.     (2/3 of a page long)

Read several of the newspaper articles in the "resolutions packet" document (posted on Moodle). Do your own analysis and try to identify the defining characteristics of this type of article. You may narrow your analysis to 2-3 specific articles if you wish, or you may draw conclusions broadly by citing examples from a wide variety of the articles. The choice is yours. In any case, you need to paraphrase or use direct quotations to identify examples in these texts, to support your analysis. Try to answer the basic questions of Rhetorical Analysis, in your own way.                As they try to connect with their target audiences, how do the authors of these articles use statements related to ethos, pathos, logos, or kairos? Which attitudes or strategies seem to be the most effective for authors, when writing a "new year's resolution" sort of article? And what is the purpose(s) of such an article? If they're enjoyable in your opinion, or if you dislike them, try to explain why in a clear, thoughtful way.

Always try to use examples from the text to support your claims.

Always tell your reader the author's name and where it was published before you refer to a text.

Part 2: A short "resolution" article of your own.     (2/3 of a page long)

Use any rhetorical strategies you wish, and compose your own resolution statement. It can be hopeful or uplifting, it can be a list of complaints or demands, etc. You can direct it at readers in general, or a specific group -- or even at a specific person. As demonstrated in the packet of articles, there are many different ways to successfully write an article like this. Your writing should show that you have thoughtfully analyzed this type of article. Remember that the work is meant to immitate a newspaper article, specifically an editorial, so it should show that you're thinking about the basic characteristics of that form of public writing (clarity, brevity, respect, and no profanity, to name a few).

Format and submission: Your writing style and tone can be informal and conversational for this assignment (as necessary, to fit the form of a seasonal news editorial). However, the work should not contain significant spelling or grammar errors. Save your work electronically, and consider printing a copy for backup. Hold onto it for now. I'll ask you to submit it in a pack with other HW assignments, around week 4 or week 5. Use Times New Roman or Calibri font, in 11 pt size. Always double-space your work. For weekend work like this, use the format shown in the "HOMEWORK_TEMPLATE" document (on Moodle). Always begin writing your paragraphs near the top of the first page. Don't waste space.

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January 26, 2019
Week 3 Homework: Resolutions
Part 1. Analysis
Editorial articles have always been one of the most exciting parts of a publication due to its straightforward approach that aims to inform the readers of the editor’s thoughts. In the editorial articles that talked about new years’ resolutions, one of the most defining characteristics is the clarity, conciseness, and an almost playful tone that was used to convey its main message. Some of the editorial articles use many figures of speech that would otherwise be inappropriate in the news sections of the newspaper. In a closer reflection, it could be seen that these editorial articles focus on eliciting strong emotions to its audience. This is a rhetorical tool also known as pathos, which is the “quality of experience in life, or a work of art, that stirs up emotions of pity, sympathy, and sorrow” (LiteraryDevices.net, n.d.). In turn, this appeal to emotions is also crucial for writing New Year’s resolutions. This is because these types of resolutions are me...
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