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Community Healing and Resistance through Storytelling

Essay Instructions:

Read the article and write a summary and critique (2 pages where you analyze the ways in which the authors engage in social justice analyses and community voice and choice in the process. Use your understandings of Decolonization/Decoloniality, Community-based Participatory Research (CBPR), Participatory Action Research (PAR), and Anti-Racist Praxis, in your critiques. More specifically, you should include the following four paragraphs in your paper:

An intro paragraph with a brief description of the content of the article, including the purpose of the research, the method, and the findings, in your own words.

A paragraph that situates the authors. Who are the authors? What experiences and education, identities, institutional affiliations, and other influences may have impacted the authors’ perspectives and choice of methods? What do I believe that the authors want me (the reader) to know? And why? What aren’t they messaging or saying in this paper? What may be some of their blind spots?

Next, include a paragraph that explores how the methods, theories, and understandings in the paper differs and overlaps with other community psychologies transnationally? What are the epistemological and ontological perspectives that the authors seem to be engaging? On a continuum of transformative praxis and community engagement/ownership over the research process, where do these authors/researchers fall? Do they engage Global South and Indigenous frameworks? How may issues of colonialism/decolonization or coloniality/decoloniality be at play in this work?

Lastly, please write a brief concluding paragraph of what you learned or found most interesting, most exciting, or most disturbing about the research article. Why? How does this article fit into your growing understanding of Black, Brown, Indigenous knowledge and Global South perspectives on community psychologies? Have you made any reappraisals of community psychology, clinical psychology, or of yourself based on your analysis?

Here is the article:

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Community Healing and Resistance through Storytelling
Article summary and critique
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Article summary and critique
The relationship between racial trauma and social healing is a complex issue that borrows from multifaceted disciplinary. There is a correlation between healing and racial trauma, as reflected by psychological literature. This article presents a multidisciplinary community healing framework informed by different facets that go beyond the individual approaches. This article's primary purpose is to analyze the process of community healing through storying and the models for addressing historical and racial trauma among the communities. The authors utilized literature review as a way of gathering information regarding the topic. The personal experience of the authors also contributed to the enhancement of knowledge regarding the subject. According to the author's findings, community and healing are two different terminologies. Society can be defined based on geographical consignment or a facet through which relational groups can address the problems related to trauma and psychological torture. The article defines healing as a process of recovering from the harmful effects of trauma, leading to behavioral and psychological advancement and connectedness.
The authors of this article are victims of racial and historical trauma that are in the healing process. Having firsthand experience in trauma, they can provide better solutions to matters pertaining to community and healing—the linkage between the mental and physical torture of individuals results in trauma. Even though the authors assert that personal trauma can be presented from a community perspective, it is not easy for an individual to presume that the situation was communal when it is clear that it is not. The authors have the community affiliation and experience of trauma that the Africana communities ...
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