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Communication, Culture, and Representation

Essay Instructions:

Instructions {read carefully):

  • Open a new document on your computer and cut and paste these questions into the document
  • Answer the questions below in the new document you've created with your answers embedded into the file. The exam is broken into three parts; be sure to complete all three.
  • Save your completed document as a PDF file and upload it to the "Midterm Exam" link on Canvas.

Part One
(8 points each, maximum 40 points)

Choose FIVE words or phrases from the following list of eight. First, in your own words, DEFINE that word or phrase as it relates to our course in no more than two or three sentences.Second, also in your own words, provide one EXAMPLE of the word or phrase drawn from our course in no more than a sentence or two. (Note:you will not get extra credit for responding to more than five.)

Structuralism• Relational• Linguistic determinism• lndexical• Linguistic relativism• Iconic• Convention• Representamen

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Communication, Culture, and Representation: Midterm Exam
Your Name
Department of ABC, University 
ABC 101: Course Name
Professor (or Dr.) Firstname Lastname
Communication, Culture, and Representation: Midterm Exam
Part 1
Structuralism: This is a mode of knowledge pursuit in which focus is placed on relationships and interactions rather than individual objects. For instance, one can understand a person by determining how the person interacts with others instead of looking at the person as a particular object of interest.
Linguistic Determinism: Linguistic determinism is the view that language limits thought and knowledge. It also limits the thought processes regarding memory, perception, and categorization.
Linguistic relativism: Linguistic relativism is the view that the structure of a language impact how those who speak it view the world. In essence, people’s perception of the environment in which they live is shaped by the language they speak.
Representamen: Representamen refers to a thing that serves as a representation of something else. In terms of semiotics, it is representation.
Convention: Convention refers to known mechanics of writing or communication that are widely accepted. They involve areas like punctuation, capitals, and sentence structures whose knowledge allows the writer to prioritize higher aspects of communication or writing.
Semiotic analysis: Semiotic analysis of an object refers to scrutiny beyond the surface message represented by an object. It involves critically studying verbal, auditory, and visual cues defined within the object to reveal deeper underlying meaning.
Part 2
“Language comes to acquire the illusion of transparency; this feature of the medium tends to blind its users to the part it plays in constructing experiential worlds.”
The quotation means that the longer a language is used, the more it acquires a fo...
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