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How Far Should Humans Go to Protect the Environment?

Essay Instructions:

Ethical Rogerian Argument Essay
In Module 5, you must write an ethical argument essay from your Ethical Rogerian Argument Thesis/Outline Assignment that you submitted in Module 4. In addition to the development of a strong argument with a clear thesis statement and sound credible support, you have now learned about how to effectively integrate sources while utilizing research strategies and properly citing sources to avoid plagiarism. In academic and professional settings, all of these skills that you are developing are of the utmost importance. The ethical Rogerian argument will enhance your understanding of the need to consider other perspectives and find common ground while including ethics from a Christian worldview standpoint. The second essay in the course will allow you to build on the skills that you presented in your first essay in the course so you can continue to grow as an academic writer and critical thinker.


Review chapter 14 in the textbook for the sample ethical Rogerian argument essay written in the documentation style for your major course of study. Using the sample and your outline from Module 4, write an ethical essay using the Rogerian model of argument in which you address the question in the prompt. The research sources for this essay have been provided for you. Any additional sources that you may choose to use must be credible academic sources. You may include biblical support, but your biblical support does not count in the required citations.

 Prompt: How far should humans go to protect the environment?

 Write a 1,000–1,200-word proposal essay using the Rogerian Model of argument in which you address the question in the prompt. (Title page, citations, and reference section should not be included in word count.)

 Document your sources correctly according to your documentation style (Current APA, MLA, or Turabian).

 Integrate at least 4 quotations, 1 summary, and 1 paraphrase (6 total) into your essay from at least 3 credible sources to support your thesis statement and provide opposing arguments acknowledging common ground as emphasized in Rogerian argument.

Helpful Hints:

 Chapter 14 in Module 4 includes sample student essays for an ethical (Rogerian) essay written in each of the documentation styles (APA, MLA, and Turabian).

 Review the Proofreading Checklist (below) to understand the content that you must include in your essay assignment.

 Review the Ethical Rogerian Argument Essay Assignment Grading Rubric before submitting your essay assignment. Learn Application Successful Needs


1. Introduction: Establishes the ethical principle and states the essay’s thesis

2. Background: Gives an overview of the situation and provides necessary information about the topic

3. Ethical analysis: Explains the ethical principle and analyzes the particular situation on the basis of this principle

4. Evidence in support of the thesis: integrates a total of at least 6 quotes, summaries, and/or paraphrases from at least 3 credible sources

5. Finds common ground as required by Rogerian model of argument

6. Refutation of opposing arguments: Addresses objections and refutes them in a clear and respectful way

7. Conclusion: Restates the ethical principle as well as the thesis (not in the exact words); includes a strong concluding statement

8. Contains pathos (emotional) appeals, (values/belief) appeals, and/or logos (factual) appeals- as appropriate

9. Title reflects issue and ethics

10. Uses only third person pronouns (all first and second person pronouns have been removed)

11. If using current APA format, contains properly formatted citations and References page If using MLA format, contains a properly formatted citations and Works Cited page If using Turabian format, contains a properly formatted title page, citations, and Bibliography page

12. Double spaced; 12-point Times New Roman font

13. Uses signal phrases and appropriate transitions

14. References/Works Cited/ Bibliography page includes all sources cited within the body of the essay

15. Checked spelling, grammar/mechanics

When you are satisfied with the quality of your essay, submit in the course via the Turnitin link for grading. Include your degree program and whether you are using current MLA, APA, or Turabian in the document’s title when submitting your essay.

IMPORTANT: Fully cite all quotations, summaries, and paraphrases used within your essay, or those excerpts will be regarded as plagiarism and will result in a “0” on your essay and possible course failure

Essay Sample Content Preview:

How Far Should Humans Go to Protect the Environment?
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How Far Should Humans Go to Protect the Environment?
 Protecting the environment emphasizes finding solutions that occur as a result of interaction between people and environmental systems. Moreover, it includes concerns associated with conservation, pollution, diminished biodiversity, environmental policy, and land degradation. The main objectives of protecting the environment are ensuring the natural environment does not degrade, influenced by surged population, modern technology, and overconsumption. These factors have been detrimental as they have negatively affected the environment and continue to put humans and animals at peril. Also, protecting the environment consist of resource management based on how people intermingle with the natural world to safeguard and preserve natural ecosystems. Some common factors include economic, ethical, and ecological conditions to minimize environmental deprivation. Environmental protection, modifying environmental effect, attaining sustainable development, sustaining biodiversity, and habitat safety are essential to protect natural resources and the natural environment. 
The environmental regulations and protection stress securing the water, air, land, and soil. As a result, governmental and non-governmental organizations and businesses should incorporate sustainability mechanisms to be at the forefront of protecting the environment. The inability to protect the environment will likely contribute to reduced environmental quality. Nevertheless, integrating positive habits and attitudes toward safeguarding our environment is important in conserving the environment, diversity, and habitat for biodiversity. Recently, "An increasing range of global adverse effects from climate change are affecting air quality, water resources, agriculture, and wildlife habitats” (Burke et al., 2017). In most scenarios, environmental conservation and sustainability are linked with positive ecological results, and there is reduced vulnerability to overusing available resources. Therefore, environmental awareness is integral for offering support for lobbying for environmental protection and reducing wasting natural resources. 
           Several regulations have been set aside to facilitate realizing these goals to protect the environment and promote diversity and sustainability. The Environmental Protection Transitional Regulations 2021 will end in functioning in 2023, meaning new regulations are objected to ensure the environment is not violated. The regulation aims to provide motor vehicles with certificates provided under the Environment Protection Act 1970 to ensure that motor vehicles do not cause pollution. The regulations are also interested in offering equal new permissions under the Act issued or provided by the Authority. It also aims to evaluate matters relating to water, air, noise, land, and vehicle emission to determine mechanisms they can embrace to prevent environmental degradation. The regulations also intend to lobby retailers and consumers to minimize the consumption of plastic bags that mainly enter the environment as litter by imposing bans on thin, single-consumption plastic shopping bags. 
Environmental protection laws and environmental mitigation
Over the years, governments have been developing strong environmental laws to facilitate environmental protection. Additionally, nations have been investing in environmental mitigation and green innovation because several individuals know the benefit of protecting the environment. Environmental mitigations save and restore the most valuable environmental resources at the minimum cost. Besides, mitigation minimizes the vulnerability of uncertain but possibly great damage resulting from climatic changes. As a result, mitigation proves to be beneficial to the growth of several countries. Through focusing on environmental preservation, China is a great example that has experienced extensive economic development (Chen & Wu, 2021). Green innovation is essential as they minimize cost due to the minimal consumption of natural resources. They also attract new clients to come to invest in a country. 
Some important acts the government incorporates include clean air, safe drinking water, resource conservation, and recovery. The clean air act is a control measure that aims to impose harsh emissions limitations, promotes the ozone layer's security, and requires the government to send plans for non-attainment areas. The clean water act is an essential Act aiming to address the issue of water pollution. Alternatively, the safe drinking water act emphasizes protecting the consumption of poor water quality by setting standards of color, safety, and taste. Finally, the resource conservative and recovery act enacts regulations to control waste product deposition, generation, treatment, movement, and disposal. Organizations and individuals must abide by these rules and regulations to ensure they stay in a safe environment. 
Environmental protection and sustainable development 
Realizing growth and development of the economy should not only focus on business because there is a need to preserve future generations by focusing on social and environmental issues. Nations lobbying for changes to gain sustainable growth and development usually like to experience minimal pollution associated with individual welfare. In order to incorporate the safeguarding of security, sustainable development goals (SDGs) were developed to act as the guideline for num...
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