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Combatting School Bullying

Essay Instructions:
Essay Structure (You must follow this structure.) I. APA title page Student title page (not professional style) II. Abstract (150 words) This is a summary of your whole essay. Include the following: Introduction to the topic: What is the topic? Thesis and main points: What is your thesis? What are your main points? Methods: What type of evidence did you use? (e.g., statistics, opinions). Also, what sources did you use? (e.g., scholarly sources) Purpose: What did you hope to learn? _____ III. SKIP THIS PART: Introduction (250 words) Include background information about AI (e.g., ChatGPT). Also, discuss argumentative writing, such as what goes into a convincing paper. Thesis: Can AI write a convincing argument? _____ IV. Analysis of the paper (950 words) Write one paragraph with the following information (approximately 150 words): Summary of the essay Who is the intended audience? What is the purpose of the article? Is the essay persuasive or not to the intended audience? Write at least three paragraphs analyzing the essay’s argument. Each paragraph needs to use at least one argumentative element: Pathos Ethos Logos Assumptions Omissions Satire/Irony/Sarcasm/Humor Tone Fallacies V. Conclusion (150 words) Standard conclusion Summary of the whole essay Memorable ending VI. References page Essay Checklist 1500-1600 words (the References page does not count) (do not go over/under) Sources required You can use sources, but they are not required. You will still need a References page to cite the essay that you analyzed. References page Style requirements Formal language Any point-of-view (1st, 2nd, 3rd) APA Audience: college level readers Use subheadings When referencing the source, you must use quotes. Do not paraphrase. All essays need to be turned in via Canvas in Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx). Summary of Essay Content Title page (1 page) Abstract (150 words) Introduction (250 words) Analysis of the AI paper (950 words) Conclusion (150 words) References (1 page)
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Beyond Bullying: Arguments on the Use of Laws to Reduce Its Occurrence Your Name Subject and Section Professor’s Name Date Abstract School bullying is a problem that has a highly negative impact on the health and welfare of young people worldwide, particularly young students. This paper examines the arguments present in the article, “Combatting School Bullying,” which proposes that legal repercussions are necessary to significantly reduce or totally eradicate severe cases of bullying. The power of legal measures in resolving the most critical instances of bullying, keeping up with the existing anti-bullying plans by employing evidence-based research and incorporating opinions from reputable sources like the Harvard School of Education. Furthermore, this paper utilizes facts and current statistics to understand the effectiveness of the types of intervention and if these are applicable to the general public. Through an analysis of the relationship between state and local anti-bullying laws, school safety levels, and evaluating on-site programs' effect on student well-being, the essay focuses on the role of laws in creating safe and friendly learning spaces. Introduction Bullying, a less recognized issue among children and adolescents, is a threat to people’s health, security, and general well-being globally. The cyclical nature of bullying within a power disparity is evident in its various forms – physical, verbal, social, and, recently, cyberbullying. Children who are identified as outcasts could be due to physical appearance or other factors are aware of their unique situation, and they are at increased risk of victimization (Johansson et al., 2022). School environments act as significant areas where bullying occurs. School bullying has severe effects on student welfare, particularly academics, and physical, mental, and emotional well-being, amongst many aspects. Some studies showed that bullying at schools leads to the decline of children's involvement in school activities, reduced learning due to diminished achievement, and degraded mental health, which emphasizes the overall nature of the bullying situation. Nevertheless, the campaign to control bullying is confronted with the issue of continuing this harmful practice and its impact on young minds in an educational setting (Armitage et al., 2021; Johansson et al., 2022). According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2023), one-fifth of students report bullying on school grounds. Moreover, those who are more vulnerable are the LGBTQ+ students and females, compared to their counterparts. This analysis is geared towards assessing the arguments in the essay "Combatting School Bullying", which stresses the significance of court intervention in school bullying instances to prevent severe bullying episodes since legal repercussions might be more effective than providing anti-bullying programs and other related interventions. Laws should be used as adjuncts to the current school policies, procedures, and other intervention strategies to reduce the occurrence of bullying in school significantly. Analysis The discourse on combating school bullying revolves around three main arguments: the necessity of developing and implementing the strategic strategy of comprehensive assessments to define and combat bullying behaviour effectively; establishing a safe environment and supportive school within the schools to encourage positive relationships and minimize bullying occurrence; the importance of carrying out social and emotions learning (SEL) programs to avoid interpersonal conflict; and to employ legal repercussions. These positions are driven by various measures that involve establishing clear policies, involving parents and youth, and coordinating the efforts of all the stakeholders. These strategies are addressed to parents, school administrators, and teachers – the key figures in creating and keeping a safe school environment that works instead of anxieties. By acknowledging the needs and priorities of different students, the discourse aims to encourage the stakeholders to implement solutions that mainly target the safety and welfare of the students. The essay “Combatting School Bullying” promotes legal warrants for fighting school bullying due to the inefficiency of the current school-based actions. The essay stresses that the severe mental and emotional consequences on the victims might require legal action to restore justice and to hold the bullies accountable. A possible way to protect against bullying is by legally charging offenders for sanctions and remedial treatments meant to deter bullying behaviours and bring reforms to school policies and systems. The paper puts forth a justice-based model not only for the healing process of victims but also for the transformation and rehabilitation of the wrongdoers while considering the trauma experienced by the witnesses. In this paper, the author argues that legal punishment for serious and systematic bullying is necessary to protect children and strive to create a better educational environment, in addition to the existing educational campaigns (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2020; Nati...
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