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Website Review: Columbia-Presbyterian NY Hospital Website

Essay Instructions:

Evaluate how accessible diversity-related material is on the Columbia-Presbiterian NY hospital Web site. Is there a direct link from the home page? What type of results does entering the term “diversity” in a search box yield? Or, do you have to explore on your own? Sometimes searching under “careers” or “press releases” may produce some diversity-related results. On some Web sites, you will have to explore deeply into Web pages to find material related to diversity. What does this say about the organization’s commitment to diversity?
Evaluate the usefulness of the diversity information to potential employees, customers, and suppliers. Is the diversity material related to the organization’s business case for diversity, core values, mission, etc. the way that the organization does business? How current is the diversity-related material?
Assume that you are a) a potential employee, b) a potential customer and c) a potential supplier or subcontractor. What perceptions might you have about this organization’s commitment to diversity based solely on the Web site? Looking at this Web site, do you think that it encourages or discourages diverse employees to apply for jobs in this organization? Why or why not?
What internal management issues can affect the prominence that diversity gets or doesn’t get on an organization’s Web site?
Are there any diversity awards listed on the Web site? If so, review the criteria and selection process as presented in the Allard article on awards (from the textbook) or if the award is not mentioned in that article. Evaluate the value of the award through the sponsoring organization’s Web site.
If you were a (female, over 55, racial minority, person with a physical challenge, gay or lesbian, etc.) job applicant and you have read an ad for job opening for which you are fully qualified. Based on your audit of the company web site what perceptions might you have of this company before you even walk in the door? Would you still apply for the job? Why or why not?

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Website Review: Columbia-Presbyterian NY Hospital Website
Course Title:
Website Review: Columbia-Presbyterian NY Hospital Website
In the current increasingly competitive business environment, organizations are striving to survive in the industry. Effective human resource management has become one of the critical tools that managers use to gain a competitive advantage and enhance organizational performance. Notably, in today’s globalized business environment, diversity is a critical tool for the global managers to address the needs of all-inclusive employees. Diversity refers to valuing, understanding, acknowledging, and accepting the disparities or differences among the organization’s employees in terms of with respects to race, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, class, age, spiritual practice, ethnicity, class, gender, and public assistance status (Cunningham & Green, 2007). The concept of diversity comprises of respect and acceptance of people’s differences. It implies recognizing people’s uniqueness and acknowledging their individual differences. The manner in which an organization addresses the issue of diversity can determine the success or failure of that organization. In the current organization, diversity is not only depicted in the workplace but also in the organization’s website. The intention of this essay is to review the Columbia-Presbyterian NY Hospital Website in terms of diversity.
Accessibility of Diversity-Related Material on the Website
Accessibility of diversity related material in an organization’s website reflects the organization’s commitment to diversity. The implication of this is that one can easily tell whether or not a certain organization has embraced diversity by looking at the organization’s website. In this regard, it has been argued that the websites of organizations that are committed to diversity are easy to access diversity related materials. In light of this, it is evident that diversity related material is easily accessible in Columbia-Presbyterian NY Hospital’s website. There are a number of factors that determine the accessibility of the material in the website. One of these factors is the main goal for the company’s website. In this case, the major goal of any business organization is to increase sales and hence profits. However, the company’s profitability is directly related to its corporate image. As such, companies often strive to enhance their cooperate image in various aspects. For instance, a company can enhance its corporate image by embracing diversity. This is often reflected on the company’s website. It is worth noting that Columbia-Presbyterian NY Hospital is a not-for-profit organization.
The diversity-related material in Columbia-Presbyterian NY Hospital’s website is easily accessible for various reasons. One, there is a direct link to accessing diversity-related material from the homepage. The website’s home page consists of search box in which one can type and search for any material including diversity-related material. This enhances the accessibility of the material on the website. Additionally, once one enters the term "diversity" in the search box, it yields various results. These results include lack diversity, genetic diversity, cultural diversity, bacteria lack diversity, workplace diversity first, two workplaces diversity, diversity volunteer opportunities, diversity first category, areas demonstrate diversity, and lack diversity.
The easy accessibility of diversity-related material demonstrates that the organization is committed to diversity. In contrast, the diversity-related materials are not easily accessible in the websites of those organizations that are not committed to diversity. In such websites, one has to explore deeply into the Web pages in order to find the materials related to diversity. Diversity is has become a central issue to the human resource management because it greatly influences organizational success. Importantly, in the current increasingly globalized and competitive market environment, diversity is an important tool for providing an organization with a competitive edge over its rivals in the industry. It can be used to address the needs and concerns of employees, customers, and suppliers due to the increasing differences in global populations. Particularly, the current demographic changes in the global countries call for the global managers to embrace diversity, as a tool for managing diverse employees (Henry & Evans, 2007).
Diversity can be used to address workplace challenges due to demographic changes, globalization, generation gaps, as well as single working mothers and dual-income families. A number of researchers have documented the benefits of diversity. Inclusion and diversity brings various talents into the organization to work together towards achieving common goals using different skill sets. This results in increased productivity. Additionally, the diverse groups of people in the workplace increases problem solving and creativity. Moreover, feeling included and appreciated increases the feeling of belonging and loyalty among diverse employees and this enables an organization to attract and retain diverse talents (Henry & Evans, 2007). Diversity also helps in building synergy among the teams and in enhancing communication skills. Proper application of diversity in the workplace can also save a company from litigation expenses resulting from litigation lawsuits (Henry & Evans, 2007). Furthermore, diversity creates a satisfied diverse client base and increases the company’s market share.
The Usefulness of the Diversity Information to Potential Employees, Customers, and Suppliers
The diversity information in the website is useful to the employees, customers, and suppliers in various aspects. Particularly, cultural diversity is useful to customers, employees, and suppliers. Cultural diversity refers to the existence of various different value systems and sub-cultures in a multicultural, plural society or other setting. Organizations promote cultural diversity through effective recognition of and every culture’s unique traditions, religions, and differences. An organization that embraces cultural diversity can attract customers from diverse cultural backgrounds. Cultural diversity, also called multiculturalism, refers to a group of diverse people originating from different societies or cultures. It takes into consideration various culture-related aspects including ethnicity, gender, religion, language, sexual orientation, ethnicity, language, and age. Thus, diversity is important to all the potential customers irrespective of their cultural backgrounds. For instance, being a health care facility, Columbia-Presbyterian NY Hospital’s customers are often its patients and their families and relatives. For patients, cultural diversity in the hospital means that they will not be discriminated in any way. The patients will thus not experience prejudices and discriminations based on their cultural differences. Additionally, cultural diversity in the hospital is important for patients who speak languages other than English. These patients will benefit from services of healthcare professionals who speak their native languages. Notably, the company offers "culturally-sensitive bilingual education" (NewYork-Presbyterian, 2015).
Similarly, cultural diversity in the company is also important for the potential suppliers as well as potential employees. For the potential employees, cultural diversity ensures that the underrepresented and minority groups are recruited into the workforce. The implication of this is that the minority groups do not have to shy off from looking for the employment in the company. Similarly, workforce diversity also ensures that women are also employed in the company. According to Stevens, Plaut and Sanchez-Burks (2008), the o...
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