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Analysis of Merchant of Venice

Essay Instructions:

Write an essay in which you analyze and evaluate the development of a fiction story from the readings. Poetry or nonfiction will not work for this assignment. The essay should contain an introduction, body, and conclusion, be 1-2 pages in length, typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font, size 12. Please save as a Word document and submit as an attachment to be graded.

- Explain which story you chose and briefly summarize the plot.

- Identify key choices the author made in writing the story. For example, consider where the story is set, how the action is ordered, or how the characters are introduced and developed.

- Analyze the impact of the author's choices, discussing how these decisions affect both the story's meaning and the reader's experience.

- Organize your ideas so that each new idea builds on the one it follows to create a unified whole

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Literature and Language
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The story which has been selected for the purpose of this analysis is the Merchant of Venice. The story is all about a young man named Bassanion who is heavily in debt and has not ways to repay his friend Antonioni. He however still needs more debts from his friend, the same debtor to provide him with more money so that he can be able to marry Portia, a rich heiress in Belmont. Antonio’s goods are still in the sea and he opts to borrow money from a selfish moneylender known as Shylock. Shylock, a long time enemy of Antonio is determined to use this opportunity to punish the latter and agrees to give the loan on condition that failure to pay in time would see him claim a pound of flesh cut from the part closes to Antonio’s heart. Portia however saves Bassanio’s friend and end up marrying Bassanio.
Shakespeare was very tactical in the way he made the various choices leading to...
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