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The University of Colorado Boulder's Flagship 2030 strategic plan promotes exceptional teaching, research, scholarship, creative works, and service distinguishing us as a premier university. We strive to foster a diverse and inclusive community for all that engages each member in opportunities for academic excellence, leadership, and a deeper understanding of the world in which we live. Given the statement above, how do you think you could enrich our diverse and inclusive community, and what are your hopes for your college experience? Please answer this question because it is for my university writing supplement.
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College Admission Essay
The University of Colorado Builder’s Flagship 2030 promotes exceptional, teaching, research, scholarship, creative works, and service distinguishing as a premier university. The university strives to foster a diverse and inclusive community for all that engages each member in opportunities for academic excellence, leadership and a deeper understanding of the world in which we live.
The University of Colorado has a diverse and unique community. In essence, it is expected that all members of the university will interact freely, exchange ideas, learn from each other and support each other as we all strive to enhance the realization of the university’s vision, mission, objectives and goals. In line with this, I expect to champion a peaceful coexistence among the students’ community through leadership and sporting activities.
Sporting activities offer exceptional routes through which students discover their talents as well as build their personalities including leadership skills. I’m looking forward to using my stay at the university to not only to build my personality and leadership skills, but also explore my sporting talents. Sporting activities also boost one’s physical fitness and assist students to remain active. This, according to scholars, helps in improving students’ concentration. As I strive to realize my academic goals, I intend to explore the many sporting activities present in the university as much as possible.
In any given community where the population has people from different backgrounds, just like the University of Colorado, differences are bound to arise between different members of the community. Addressing this challenge requires collective responsibility. In line with this, I expect to work with other students to engineer students’ associations or clubs that will foster interaction between members of different races, ethnicities or nationalities.
In addition, I intend to work closely with my instructors and other university staffs and utilize all the resources that the university provides to advance my academic goals. Realization of my academic goals will involve writing a thesis; I will use that opportunity to educate the rest of the community. Scholarly works must address societal challenges. In line with this, I intend to conduct research that would have a positive impact on the community.
The University of Colorado seeks to promote creativity as well as advance opportunities for all members of its community. In line with this, I intend to cooperate with other students and members of the university to advance creativity through sharing of ideas, supporting other students to actualize their ideas as well as proposing ways through which others can advance their ideas.
Furthermore, I intend to work together with the rest of the students’ community and the university administration in implementing its social responsibility. The university has indicated that it has the goal of advancing our u...
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