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Cognitive Processes, Including Memory and Processing Models - Second Language Acquisition

Essay Instructions:

dear writer,

i need brife summary for this topic by 1000 words exactly .(word count without sources) 

please avoid palgiarism becouse i need to submit by turnitin. 

and make sure to provid this information 

i. Define this topic as an area of SLA(second language acquasition)

ii. Identify the key concepts.

iii. What research fields does it draw on (e.g. psychology, anthropology, etc.)

iv. Come up with five keywords for this topic. 

Format: Double-spaced, 11 or 12 pt,

please i prefer new 5 sources and 

no article and just books .

you can use this source: 

Tyler, A. (2012). Cognitive linguistics and second language learning: Theoretical basics and experimental evidence. New York: Routledge

and this book 

cognitive an introduction by david lee new adition.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Cognitive Processes, Including Memory and Processing Models- second language acquisition
Cognitive processes, second language acquisition, cognitive psychology, short-term memory, long-term memory
Cognitive processes are applied to learning languages as they related to information processing and mental codes (Tyler, 2012) .The physical, spatial and social environment influences human interaction, and language reflects human cognition. People learn languages by being exposed to linguistic forms, while they rely on cues and context to attach meaning to language (Tyler, 2012). The cognitive approaches to grammar focus on cognitive principles associated with the individual units of language and construction of language (Lee, 2004). Integrating cognitive processes in second language acquisition has been proposed as a strategy that improves language learning compared to traditional teaching and learning methods.
Cognitive processes
Gonzalez-Marquez (2007) points out that people do not have do not have access to the unconscious cognitive processes as they seem to think, and people have poor insight on how they learn and use language. The case of integrating conceptual process in understanding language and linguistics is that it highlights human conceptualization. Memory and cognition is associated with the ability to learn as the brain affects information processing (Lee, 2004). The brain stores memory and manipulates the information where effective recall makes it easier for learners to acquire second languages. Focusing on cognitive processes including memory more systematic approach to representing human experience and understanding how people interact with the environment (Tyler, 2012). Integrating the cognitive process in language learning and acquisition also highlights how second language learners develop coherent grammatical constructions (Tyler, 2007).
The learning process second language acquisition (L2) differs from first language acquisition (L1). There are various variables that influence outcomes of second language acquisition with ultimate attainment being the final state of second language acquisition. Second language learners do not process the information the same, and even the final outcome differs since some can use syntax correctly while others take time. Linguists are interested in how the language system works, including linguistic processing (Gonzalez-Marquez, 2007). This has prompted interest in linguistics for children acquiring the first language, children and adults learning second language as well as individuals with language impairments.
Short-term memory
When learning a new language the working memory is activated where information is retrieved and placed in context (Tyler, 2007). The short-term memory skills influence the ability of individuals to learn the second languages (Robinson & Ellis, 2008). The ability to represents the information depends on the cognitive function of short term memory. Studies and experiments on working memory have highlighted that the verbal, visual and spatial elements of memory affect the ability to recall information (Lee, 2004). This also extends to learning new words, where the short-term memory enables learners to place the information in context.
The need for taking into account differences between the L1 and L2 learners is that they are exposed to the languages at different ages (Robinson & Ellis, 2008). First language learners are exposed at a young age, and for second language learners this occurs much later and under different circumstances. Since first lang...
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