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Summary and Personal Response: How to use Quotations, Paraphrase?

Essay Instructions:

Assignment 1: Summary and Personal Response 
Due Week 2 and worth 120 points
Select one essay in The brief McGraw-Hill guide: Writing for college, writing for life: (2nd ed.) to summarize for this assignment. Choose from the following essays: “Se habla Espanol” by Barrientos; “Facing poverty with a rich girl’s habits” by Kim; “On becoming a writer” by Baker; “Farm girl” by Hemauer
Write a one and one-half to two (1½ - 2) page summary paper in which you:
Identify the source (writer and title of essay) and state his or her most important point in your own words.
Summarize the other main points and their supporting details in separate paragraphs.
Discuss the (1) writer’s purpose, (2) genre, (3) audience, and (4) tone (attitude),
Describe your emotional response to the essay.
Use quotations, paraphrase, and summary correctly.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
Recognize how to use quotations, paraphrase, and summary in the writing process.
Apply the writing process to develop various writing genres.
Write clearly and concisely about selected topics using proper writing mechanics.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Farm Girl
The essay "Farm Girl" is written by Jessica Hemauer. Jessica’s essay seems to address the importance of responsibility in molding a mature individual. From her experiences in the farm, Jessica brings out the numerous responsibilities she is given in the farm as a precursor for her current maturity. She touches on this attribute in the essay when she mentions how she always woke up every morning to clean to feed calves as well as clean the pens. Though she is the youngest in the family, she is given more responsibility than her age can allow.
There is also the aspect of hard work and commitment. Jessica Hemauer touches on this throughout the essay through her narration of the real experiences she lives day by day. Her every day activities reveal hard work and commitment at its finest. She even mentions that despite her numerous responsibilities, she did not complain or feel bad about them. This clearly shows her commitment to tasks, regardless of the burden associated with them.
Jessica also seeks to motivate as well as arouse consciousness in the minds of the readers. Her main intention is to prove that despite the level of upbringing one is subjected to, anybody can succeed in life. Jessica also tries to bring out the aspect of time management as an important factor in life. She tries to point out her experience as a farm girl bestowed on her time management skills, skills that ensured that she completed all her activities...
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