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Theme of Clocks and Lovers in the Poem "As I Walked Down the River"

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Clock and Lovers
Clocks and the Lovers
In his poem "As I Walked Down the River," Auden employs several elements through the theme of clock and lovers to express his ideas. The poem's perspective in the poem's opening section is that love is exciting and has no end. This is evident through phrases such as, 'Love has o ending." and I'll Love you till the ocean is folded and hung up to dry" (Auden & Mendelson, 2015). However, this is not the angle through which the author views love as, in the ending, the narrator's perspective comes to light by revealing the reality of love as something that fades with time.
The author also employs broken language smartly because the language's brokenness evades some readers' attention. For instance, the fourth and fifth lines in the first stanza reads, 'The Crowds upon the pavement were fields of harvest wheat." (Auden & Mendelson, 2015). The phrase "fields of harvest wheat" is improper as it should be "fields of harvested wheat" in the appropriate language.
However, the omission of the term "of" is most likely unnoticed as it makes the poem enticing and free-flowing. Additionally, imagery technique is another aspect applied by the poet in the poems. The imagery used is compelling and plays a significant role in the poem as they kill the boredom that is likely to be when dry language is used. A perfect example of compelling imagery in the poem is "I'll love you till China meets Africa, till the river jumps over the mountain." This way, the reader sinks into the poem by painting the picture of river jumping over the mountain."
Notably, Auden also triggers the sounds of the city clock in readers' minds fascinatingly. The sound description words such...
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