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Effect of the Environment on Human Health

Essay Instructions:


Your argumentative essay will be on an environmental topic from the list of options below. Consider your audience for this paper to be your peers. The essay should be between 3 ½ and 4 pages (850 to 1,000 words) in length, not including the cover page, abstract, or reference page. In this paper, you will be demonstrating your ability to synthesize information from different into a coherent argument that is properly documented. Your paper should be double spaced in Times New Roman 12 point font and must include:

An introduction, a minimum of 3 body paragraphs, and a conclusion

a clearly articulated thesis that states the claim, position, or stance that your essay will prove in the introduction to your paper

4 cited sources, at least 2 of these sources should come from the MDC databases

At least 4 quotes from your sources

Topic sentences that focus the discussion in the body paragraphs

Examples, details, and explanations, and other researched evidence in the body paragraphs that clearly support the claim of your thesis

Counterarguments and refutations that show you understand the complexity of your argument and can accurately acknowledge the views of the opposition and refute them

Clear connections between ideas from paragraph to paragraph and within paragraphs (coherence)

Proper APA style format in the cover page, in the abstract, in the in-text citations, and in the Reference page (see the template and instructional video for creating the APA format)

Reference page listing a minimum of four sources

Standard usage, grammar, and mechanics

Important Information

You will submit your final draft through the Turn-it-in drop box designated for this purpose in the course. Please be aware, that although Turn-it-in does allow for similarities for quotations of up to 24%, any similarity above 24% is considered too high for an original paper and will be flagged as plagiarism.

You can get help with your paper at any of the campus writing centers, and you can also receive online help via SmartThinking, the online tutoring service provided by the College. This service is available by clicking on SmartThinking in the left-hand menu bar of the course under Tools & Resources.

CHOSSE ONE ... of the following topics for your paper. Each topic provides an article you can read to get started on your research.

1-Research alternative energy sources; then make an argument for the three most desirable ones to introduce in South Florida. Here is a link with a list of renewable energy resources to get you started:


2-Research the status of sea-level rise in South Florida today and the ways in which it is being addressed through State processes. Make an argument that the solutions today are or are not sufficient. Here is a link to a web page that will help you get started with your research:


3-Research the effects of the environment on human health. Does the health of the environment affect the health of the human beings within it? Make an argument that supports your answer. Start your research by reading this article: https://orionmagazine(dot)org/article/beyond-the-patient/.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Effect of the Environment on Human Health
Student's Name:
Unit Name & Number:
Date of Submission:
Effect of the Environment on Human Health
      The environment refers to the conditions, circumstances, or objects that surround human beings. It is the complex of biotic, chemical, and physical factors that affect an organism's ecological community and ultimately determines its survival and form. It influences almost every aspect of human life in one way or another. Changes in the environment, such as climate change and the overexploitation of natural resources alongside others, can cause untold human suffering. On the other hand, human health is the general state or condition of someone's body. In one way or another, the environment or background plays a significant role in determining an individual's health status. The discussion below points out more on the environment and the effects it has on human health.
      There are several ways in which the condition of the environment affects the health of human beings. Extensive studies have been conducted on the correlation between the state of the environment and human health. Environmental risks have been proven to impact human health either by exposing human beings directly or indirectly to harmful agents and disrupting life-sustaining ecosystems (Lee, 2017). Although the environmental factors' contribution to human disease and subsequent death cannot be determined precisely, the World Health Organization has estimated that about thirteen million people die yearly due to preventable causes related to the environment. Population growth and most human activities are causing widespread environmental degradation at an alarming rate. Expansive agricultural projects, increasing energy consumption, and industrialization are among the leading causes of environmental health challenges.
      Chemical exposure, which is also a critical environmental and ecological issue, can impact human health in many ways. The effects of various chemicals on human health can be devastating. When human beings are exposed to chemical substances in their surroundings, their health is at risk because they're more vulnerable to burns or injury. Chemical safety experts are working to reduce synthetic and natural chemicals' effects on the environment (Mandal, 2017). More specifically, chemical safety intends to safeguard human health and the environment from exposure to potentially harmful toxins. Its primary focus is on chemicals existing in the ambient globes and the synthetic chemicals used in industries or the by-products of manufacturing processes. According to the World Health Organization, around 16 million people who died in 2016 were affected by exposure to chemical substances. Chemical pollution of the air, water, or soil can trigger health complications in humans through the food chain or direct contact.
      Climate change is currently a major environmental issue that has brought about severe ramifications for human health. It is among the deadliest threats to human health in the 21st century. Changes in the climate interfere with nature in several ways that may endanger human health and exacerbate vulnerability to illnesses. These changes include the rise in global temperatures, droughts, and heavier rain/snowstorms. These calamities may lead to higher vulnerability to respiratory and gastrointestinal infections such as pneumonia, diarrhea, and several others (Myers, 2017). Also, climate change increases the frequency of natural disasters, often leading to stressful events in communities due to loss of livelihoods, property, and life. Droughts, cy...
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