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Climate Change and the Sea Level Rise on the Coast of California

Essay Instructions:

Capstone: Assignment 6

The goal of the capstone is for you to focus on the impact of climate change on communities. We center this assignment on communities because while the impacts of climate change are global, certain communities will be hit harder as we will learn all semester. By community, we mean a village, a town, or, at largest, a city. A state or country is not considered a community.

You will be responsible for doing the research, choosing the topic, and finding the community. We suggest that you use sources like the New York Times, Washington Post, Wikipedia, or Google Scholar to do your research.

You must write this in your own words. Paraphrase everything. This means absolutely no direct copying will be tolerated and you will also lose credit even for copying with quotation marks. Turnitin is remarkably clever at detecting plagiarism from a wide variety of sources including old student papers! Please see more information in the Orientation.

Instructions for this week

Step 1: Choose a topic and a community (a village, a town, or, at largest, a city). Adaptation and mitigation (renewable energy, geoengineering, recycling), species loss. Please make sure that you choose a different topic and community than previous entries!

Next, consider:

1. What is the threat?

2. Why is that community vulnerable?

3. What are the forecasted impacts on the community?

4. What are the solutions to the threat?

Step 2: Write 300-500 words of text in Microsoft Word that summarizes the questions (1-4) above for your community on your topic of interest Submission Submit your script during the week after Module 12, along with your Capstone Assignment 5 entry, to Capstone: Assignment 5 and 6 (Submission).Even though the assignment is not due this week, I strongly recommend you complete the work now to stay on track. Each time you write a script, you will add it to the same document, so that in the end you will have one document with six different vignettes included.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Climate Change
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Climate Change
Sea Level Rise on the Coast of California
There has been a sea-level rise in the 20th century, averaging 20 cm. The measurement taken from the radar has shown an acceleration of rising of 7.5 cm in 2017 (Griggs, 2021). Several factors have led to a rapid rise in sea level globally, mainly climatic. The sea-level rise could negatively impact and pose threats like soil erosion and raising in groundwater on the coast of California. California's coasts are in danger, and the infrastructure, private properties, and natural resources might be contaminated. The government has developed some measures which will help to curb the threat and ensure the community and its properties are protected.
The Coast of California has experienced climatic changes that have impacted the sea level. California has been among the well-doing states in the US, and recently, the state was damaged by the development of many industries which emit toxic gases that have led to a rise in sea levels. Scientists have stated that the rise in sea level is caused by global warming worldwide. However, the situation is uncertain to which degree the damage depends on the intensity of greenhouse gases in the environment. The situation of sea level on the coast of California is getting worse, and the weather researchers estimate the rise to be higher in the next decades (Griggs, 2021).
Research has been done concerning sea levels on the coast of California, and there are anticipations of a negative impact on the community. The natural process triggered by rising sea levels and the coastal storms will affect both human and natural resources along the coast. It will be very adverse and cause massive loss to the entire community. The public infrastructure is at risk and is a crucial component; the public health system and commerce sections are also at risk. The economy will be disrupted, and the entire environment will be induced with toxic chemicals. It will draw back the general performance of California.
There have been measures put by the government and the private sectors to find the solution to the rise in sea level at the coasts of California. Protection measures aim to build hard barriers for buffering water encroachment and keep facilities from flooding (Griggs, 2021). The modification of assets is needed for them to man...
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