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Civil Engineering and Ethics

Essay Instructions:

“Engineers shall not knowingly act in a manner which will be derogatory to the honor, integrity, or dignity of the engineering profession or knowingly engage in business or professional practices of a fraudulent, dishonest or unethical nature.”


In 450 words or less, explain why you think the ASCE considers ethics to be so important. Be sure to visit the ASCE website before writing your response. Also,


  • Make an outline based on at least three (3) distinct, well-reasoned points you’d like to make. You can use the points in Cannon 6 as a guide and add some additional thoughts of your own.


  • Support the outline points with why they are important and include brief examples.


  • Write a brief introduction and conclusion to support these points.


  • Edit the paper for sentence and paragraph structure.


  • Use the third person (remove “I”).


  • Eliminate sweeping statements, and don't be afraid to use words like: 'could', 'sometimes', and ‘some.’


  • Read your work aloud, find someone with whom to work who writes good papers - use any and all available writing support.



Note:   (1)   Assignment should be reviewed carefully for correct spelling, grammar, and logic prior to submission.


            (2)  Assignment must be word-processed or type written.  Use 1” margins (all sides) and 10 to 12 type font.


(3)   Submit both the paper and the outline (outline behind/after paper).


(4)   Paper should be no more than 450 words. Include a word count at the end of the paper.


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Importance of ethics in civil engineering
Relevance of ethics in Civil Engineering
Ethics is the inherent capability or ability to choose between what is morally right or wrong. When looking at the bigger picture, ethics embodies all the basic principles that define human beings. It is what gives mankind the sense of direction and objectives. Essentially setting mankind apart from animals. Professional ethics help provide a framework that governs individuals in their respective professions .Engineering ethics is one such example. The ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers) has an ethical code of conduct, for all engineers under its wings. Canon 6 of the ASCE code of ethics states that "Engineers shall act in such a manner as to uphold and enhance the honor, integrity, and dignity of the engineering profession and shall act with zero tolerance for bribery, fraud, and corruption."Placing emphasis upon it, this paper is going to look into the importance of ethics in civil engineering.
Engineers are mainly trained to handle things. This is so because much of their specialty involves practical applic...
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