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CHS200 Module 5 Case

Essay Instructions:
Suppose that you have been working as a labor and delivery nurse at a hospital in an urban area for eight years. A colleague of yours, Mark (48 years old), is the Charge Nurse. Mark has been working at the hospital for the past four years, and he is your immediate supervisor. Outside of the work environment, you speak to Mark regularly on the telephone and the two of you are connected by a social networking website. Sam is a 17-year old high school student who recently began working at the hospital as a volunteer to assist the phlebotomist in transporting blood samples to the laboratory. Sam has only been working at the hospital for two months. You, Mark, and Sam are dining in the employee cafeteria one afternoon along with four other hospital employees. A heated debate arises about how health care reform might affect your work environment in the near future. Some at the table feel that a letter should be written to an upper level hospital administrator to prevent any bad changes from occurring. This is a three-part Assignment, A. First, Explain Social Impact Theory in your own words (1 paragraph maximum). B. According to Social Impact Theory: - Would a letter eventually be written to the administrator? - Which member of the group would most directly influence your way of thinking? Why? - Why would the number of people participating in the conversation be relevant? C. How might media coverage of Health Care Reform shape the opinions of participants?
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Running Head: Social Impact Theory Social Impact Theory Name University Course Lecturer Date The theory stipulates that response to social influence by an individual is dependent on the importance in terms of social status, power and credibility of the influencing group, the physical and psychological closeness of the subjects at the time of the influence attempt. the number or quantity of forces in the group result to more pressure on the target for instance being influenced by 8 friends will yield more results compared to pressure from one friend. However, the social influence model says that the more the numbers, the lesser the effect and that more effect will be felt when everyone in the group agrees apart from the person being influenced (Aronson et al 2007). The social impact theory outlines strength, immediacy and number of the forces as the main elements that can bring about a reaction in a case whereby the forces feel like the target ought to know about. In this case all the elements are present and are linked together by a common goal which is to let management know that they are not comfortable with the proposed healthcare reforms which in their opinion may affect their work environment in the near future (Latané (1981), Considering the forces who in this case are Mark (48 years old) is the Charge Nurse who has worked in the hospital for four years, a nurse who has worked with the hospital for eight years, Sam a 17 year volunteer and the four hospital employees, the elements posses all the requirements and this will foresee that the letter has been written to the hospital administrator. Mark has the credibility, power along with the status to influence the other forces likewise to the nurse who has been in the hospital for the longest time. The fact that the two forces seem to have a physical connection which extends even beyond the work environment further strength...
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