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Social Impact Theory

Essay Instructions:
You're taking your opinionated brother-in-law from the U.K., Larry, to the Wal-Mart when he spots a homeless person gesturing wildly and talking to him. "I don't get it," he says. "Why would anyone want to live like that? That guy needs to get on some medications and go to work and contribute to society like the rest of us!" You're contemplating how Larry contributes to society when he says, "I guess I should pick up a toothbrush while we're here. I've been using yours and it's getting nasty!" Your Module 4 SLP assignment is to continue your letter to Larry by providing a 2-3 page scholarly position on mental health among the homeless. Do you feel that those homeless people suffering from serious mental illness are treated fairly in our society? For example, do you feel that they have adequate access to treatment for their illnesses? If not, what changes would you recommend?
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Running Head: Social Impact Theory
Social Impact Theory
Mental illnesses often disrupt a person’s ability to carry out daily life aspects which include taking care of oneself and even others dependent on them. When a person is mentally challenged issues such as maintaining stable relationships and even rational thinking become quite impossible. When this happens the person is bound to experience stress and most likely will be compelled to live away from others rendering them homeless.
Research has established that the homeless have the highest rates of mental disorders as compared to the general population and many other disorders of a magnitude higher than age-matched community estimates for instance drug dependence and psychosis.
Use of drugs is the most common mental disorder amongst the homeless followed by others such as depression. All these could be attributed to the fact that health services in most cases have left out the homeless hence aggravating the situation even more. Simple disorders such as alcohol and drug dependence, personality disorders if treated early could avert a serious problem in the future.
Mentally challenged people basically have no place in most of our societies. The treatment they receive may even in some cases aggravate their situations even much. Most people do not know that everyone is a candidate of mental health as awareness about the disorder is minimal among many. The stigma experienced by these people in most is of high magnitude making them resent themselves even more which could result to depression.
Often such people are locked up in homes for the mentally challen...
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