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Christian Excellence

Essay Instructions:

 This presentation will discuss academic integrity. Throughout your education here at Liberty University, Academic Integrity is of the utmost importance. Let's first think of academic integrity from a spiritual perspective. The Lord has gifted each of us with unique gifts. There are different kinds of gifts, but the same spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord, there are different kinds of working, but in all of them. And then everyone, it is the same God at work. First, Corinthians 124 through six and IV. The Lord has gifted you with a unique set of gifts. Some of you may be skilled at public speaking and others maybe skilled at researching. Whatever your gift is, you should use it to glorify the Lord. As you research criminal justice issues, you will be reading the research, analysis and thoughts of many different men and women. Each of these authors has used their unique gifts to craft the journal article or paper that you are reading. If you use a portion of this work within your research paper, you should give the author proper credit for the work they have done. The Lord commands us to not steal. If we use an author's work without properly citing it, we have stolen that author's ideas and passed it off as someone else's. We should always give proper credit where it is due, and use our writing to glorify God. Throughout this course and during our academic career, we should strive to constantly have scholarly integrity. Scholarly integrity is made up of five characteristics. Generosity, honesty, gratitude, industriousness, and humility. Be generous in your scholarly work by presenting a respectful treatment of other author's work. Strive to be honest by accurately representing others thoughts and your own findings. Express gratitude by giving all possible credit to others. The industrious. Always be willing to work hard to find the truth and share it effectively. Act with humility, accurately estimate your own contributions. And above all else, remember that in our studies, research, and writing, we work for God, not for ourselves. Academic Integrity at Liberty University is very important that students must avoid these things. Cheating, falsification, plagiarism, and academic dishonesty. Sadly, each term, one of these things happens to a student. Do not let yourself be that student. According to the liberty way, cheating is defined as referring to information not specifically condoned by the instructor, receiving information from a fellow student, stealing, buying, selling, or transmitting a copy of any examination. They LU online on our code for undergraduate and graduate students applies to all students accepted in the online program. According to the LU online on our code. Cheating is a form of dishonesty in which a student attempts to give the appearance of a level of knowledge or skill. This student has not obtained, gives unauthorized aid or wrongly takes advantage of another's work. 2011, page two. According to the liberty way, falsification is the unauthorized signing of another person's name to an official form or document, unauthorized modification, copying, or production of a university document. Pursuant to the LU online Honor Code. Falsification is a form of dishonesty in which a student misrepresents the truth, invents facts, distorts the origin or content of information used as authority. 2011, page to. Plagiarism is defined by the Liberty way as omitting quotation marks or other conventional markings around material quoted from any printed source. Paraphrasing specific passage from a specific source without properly referencing the source. Replicating another student's work or parts thereof, and submitting it as an original. According to the LU online on our code. Plagiarism is the intentional failure to give sufficient attribution to the words, ideas, or data of others that the student has incorporated into his, her work for the purpose of misleading the reader. 2011. Page one. Plagiarism typically happens in three places within an author's writing. Quotations, paraphrases, and summaries. Quotations are direct transcriptions of others language. Quotations require quotation marks, parenthetical in text, citations, and a bibliography entry in the papers reference list. Paraphrases are the reworking of another author's language. Paraphrases require parenthetical in-text citation and a bibliographic entry in the papers reference list. Summaries are rehearsing or referring to others ideas or findings. Summaries like paraphrases, require parenthetical citations and bibliographic entries. If you're ever questioning whether to include a citation, include one, it is always better to site more than less when in doubt. Cite. There are several places within a paper that you would not cite. If you come up with an idea entirely on your own, there is no need to provide a citation. When you conduct primary research and want to report the results of your study. No citation is necessary. When you have a thought that grows out of, but is different from what you talked about in class. No citation as needed. If you have a realization when conversing with others that you had not had previously. No citation is needed. There is no need to cite facts that are common knowledge. For instance, if your sources all assume something is true or well-known, You can't you? If your neighbors, spouse and child all know something like Sesame Street is a children's television show, than it is common knowledge. In both of these situations, there would be no need to provide a citation to avoid academic dishonesty. But there are some steps you can take during the research stage. Or first, take good notes. Always write down a resources bibliographic data, right down the quotations exactly with the page numbers. It is even helpful to make a hard printed copy of the article. Second, read the research you find carefully. This will help you gain an accurate understanding of the others work. Third, tried to learn as much as you can from each source forth. When you have an idea, write it down. Mark all of your own ideas as your own. Fill. Finish all your research before you start writing. Following these steps will help you avoid plagiarism during the research stage. There are also ways to avoid plagiarism while you are writing. First, close your web browser and only have your word processing program opened. This will help you avoid any temptation to cut and paste from the Internet directly into your paper. Second, right. All of the in-text and reference page citations as you go, do not wait until the rough draft is completed to incorporate the Reference citations. Third, do not be afraid to work hard to get it right. Be very clear in your presentation of research. The organized with your research and analysis throughout the paper, make transitions between others thoughts and your own that are clear and obvious to the reader. Revise your paper through as many drafts as necessary to make the paper well-written.After reviewing the Learn items for this Module: Week, create a thread elaborating on the idea that Christians ought to strive for excellence in all they do. Consider the following question: What are 3 ways that one's Christian faith motivates him or her toward excellence in writing? Within your thread, incorporate how this idea applies to writing, citing, plagiarizing, and paying attention to detail.

 This presentation will discuss academic integrity. Throughout your education here at Liberty University, Academic Integrity is of the utmost importance. Let's first think of academic integrity from a spiritual perspective. The Lord has gifted each of us with unique gifts. There are different kinds of gifts, but the same spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord, there are different kinds of working, but in all of them. And then everyone, it is the same God at work. First, Corinthians 124 through six and IV. The Lord has gifted you with a unique set of gifts. Some of you may be skilled at public speaking and others maybe skilled at researching. Whatever your gift is, you should use it to glorify the Lord. As you research criminal justice issues, you will be reading the research, analysis and thoughts of many different men and women. Each of these authors has used their unique gifts to craft the journal article or paper that you are reading. If you use a portion of this work within your research paper, you should give the author proper credit for the work they have done. The Lord commands us to not steal. If we use an author's work without properly citing it, we have stolen that author's ideas and passed it off as someone else's. We should always give proper credit where it is due, and use our writing to glorify God. Throughout this course and during our academic career, we should strive to constantly have scholarly integrity. Scholarly integrity is made up of five characteristics. Generosity, honesty, gratitude, industriousness, and humility. Be generous in your scholarly work by presenting a respectful treatment of other author's work. Strive to be honest by accurately representing others thoughts and your own findings. Express gratitude by giving all possible credit to others. The industrious. Always be willing to work hard to find the truth and share it effectively. Act with humility, accurately estimate your own contributions. And above all else, remember that in our studies, research, and writing, we work for God, not for ourselves. Academic Integrity at Liberty University is very important that students must avoid these things. Cheating, falsification, plagiarism, and academic dishonesty. Sadly, each term, one of these things happens to a student. Do not let yourself be that student. According to the liberty way, cheating is defined as referring to information not specifically condoned by the instructor, receiving information from a fellow student, stealing, buying, selling, or transmitting a copy of any examination. They LU online on our code for undergraduate and graduate students applies to all students accepted in the online program. According to the LU online on our code. Cheating is a form of dishonesty in which a student attempts to give the appearance of a level of knowledge or skill. This student has not obtained, gives unauthorized aid or wrongly takes advantage of another's work. 2011, page two. According to the liberty way, falsification is the unauthorized signing of another person's name to an official form or document, unauthorized modification, copying, or production of a university document. Pursuant to the LU online Honor Code. Falsification is a form of dishonesty in which a student misrepresents the truth, invents facts, distorts the origin or content of information used as authority. 2011, page to. Plagiarism is defined by the Liberty way as omitting quotation marks or other conventional markings around material quoted from any printed source. Paraphrasing specific passage from a specific source without properly referencing the source. Replicating another student's work or parts thereof, and submitting it as an original. According to the LU online on our code. Plagiarism is the intentional failure to give sufficient attribution to the words, ideas, or data of others that the student has incorporated into his, her work for the purpose of misleading the reader. 2011. Page one. Plagiarism typically happens in three places within an author's writing. Quotations, paraphrases, and summaries. Quotations are direct transcriptions of others language. Quotations require quotation marks, parenthetical in text, citations, and a bibliography entry in the papers reference list. Paraphrases are the reworking of another author's language. Paraphrases require parenthetical in-text citation and a bibliographic entry in the papers reference list. Summaries are rehearsing or referring to others ideas or findings. Summaries like paraphrases, require parenthetical citations and bibliographic entries. If you're ever questioning whether to include a citation, include one, it is always better to site more than less when in doubt. Cite. There are several places within a paper that you would not cite. If you come up with an idea entirely on your own, there is no need to provide a citation. When you conduct primary research and want to report the results of your study. No citation is necessary. When you have a thought that grows out of, but is different from what you talked about in class. No citation as needed. If you have a realization when conversing with others that you had not had previously. No citation is needed. There is no need to cite facts that are common knowledge. For instance, if your sources all assume something is true or well-known, You can't you? If your neighbors, spouse and child all know something like Sesame Street is a children's television show, than it is common knowledge. In both of these situations, there would be no need to provide a citation to avoid academic dishonesty. But there are some steps you can take during the research stage. Or first, take good notes. Always write down a resources bibliographic data, right down the quotations exactly with the page numbers. It is even helpful to make a hard printed copy of the article. Second, read the research you find carefully. This will help you gain an accurate understanding of the others work. Third, tried to learn as much as you can from each source forth. When you have an idea, write it down. Mark all of your own ideas as your own. Fill. Finish all your research before you start writing. Following these steps will help you avoid plagiarism during the research stage. There are also ways to avoid plagiarism while you are writing. First, close your web browser and only have your word processing program opened. This will help you avoid any temptation to cut and paste from the Internet directly into your paper. Second, right. All of the in-text and reference page citations as you go, do not wait until the rough draft is completed to incorporate the Reference citations. Third, do not be afraid to work hard to get it right. Be very clear in your presentation of research. The organized with your research and analysis throughout the paper, make transitions between others thoughts and your own that are clear and obvious to the reader. Revise your paper through as many drafts as necessary to make the paper well-written.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Christian Excellence
Naturally, every human being is endowed with the intrinsic desire to excel in all their undertakings. This is no different in Christianity, where one of the guiding principles is to pursue excellence in all endeavors. God arguably set the precedence concerning this through creation. In Genesis 1:31, the Bible expressly says that God looked at all He had created and saw that it was incredibly good. This pointedly shows that He pursued excellence in His creation. Therefore, it behooves Christians to emulate their creator by distinguishing themselves in everything they do by pursuing Him (Kostenberger, 2022). This can be achieved through proclaiming, imitating, and incorporating God in our endeavors.
As a Christian writer, it is important to use your works to proclaim His excellence. In this regard, one's writings should express God's wonderful attributes (Kostenberger, 2022). As such, excellent writings should inspire hope among the despondent besides being a source of joy to the sad. It is important to note that one of the parameters used in measuring a writer's excellence is their contribution to the growth of society.
Christianity also promotes excellence by encouraging adherents to imitate God in everything they do. One of God's most fundamental attributes is love, which in turn b...
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