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Chinese Dynastic System and Unique Culture Research

Essay Instructions:

TOPIC: Going through Chinese history, one quickly finds how long the dynastic system lasted. What are the reasons for its longevity? What are the similarities and differences between Chinese dynastic system and that of Europe? What are the strengths and weaknesses of this paradigm?
Your essay should be a combination of academic research and critical argumentation. No matter what you choose, narrow the focus to enlarge the impact. Be critical of the sources in your research to see if they are balanced, relevant and current. The length is 8 pages long, exclusive of your notes and bibliographies.

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Chinese History
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Chinese history
Chinese Dynastic System
China’s history is wide and complex, characterized by dynasties with own unique culture. Traditional China had 83 dynasties plus 559 emperors, and has the world’s oldest and most influential civilizations (Tsin, 1995). Lasting from 1122-211 BC, the Zhou Dynasty is recorded as the longest ruling dynasty in Chinese history (Tsin, 1995). The shortest ruling Chinese dynasty was the Qin Dynasty, which lasted for 15 years. The history of China records Emperor Kangxi as the longest ruling emperor- he was the second ruler of Qin Dynasty and reigned for 61 years (1661-1722) (Tsin, 1995). On the other hand, Emperor Modi of Jin was the shortest ruling emperor (ruled for one day) and was the last ruler of Jin Dynasty. In China’s history, Yuan Dynasty owed the biggest territory, covering over 12 million square kilometres (Tsin, 1995). The southern Song Dynasty is believed to have the smallest territory. Wu Zetian was the only female emperor in history of China. Zetian ruled the Tang Dynasty and during her reign, Chinese Buddhism reached its peak and influence. Chinese history records Puyi as the last emperor, ruling Qin Dynasty (1908-1912) (Tsin, 1995). The most powerful dynasties in history of China are Tang and Han Dynasties. Both of these dynasties had strong influence on political, economic, and cultural impacting on neighbouring countries.
Several factors contributed to the longevity of the Chinese dynastic system. First, the three Chinese philosophies including legalism, Daoism, and Confucianism (Hogarth et al, 1999). These philosophies by Chinese thinkers improved the dynasties in different ways. For instance, Confucius (551-479), advocated for Chinese humanism. Through his philosophy, he made moral codes to help human conduct, and built strong relationships among members of a community. In addition, Confucius had a set of right relation between subjects and the emperor, children and parents, husband and wife, and the older and younger brothers/sisters. Confucius also believed that if each member of the society would do his/her duty, the whole society would perform well (Hogarth et al, 1999). He urged emperors to set good examples and rule for the common good. Another philosopher was Lao Tse, the founder of Daoism. According to Daoism, people should forget the worldly pleasures and return to nature and Dao- the force that guides everything (Hogarth et al, 1999). Daoism was another way to help the dynasties to stay in peace. Another philosophy was legalism developed by Hanfeizi-a scholar. This was a system of law that led to establishment of severe punishments and harsh laws to force people to carry out their duty (Hogarth et al, 1999). Followers of Hanfeizi believed that a strong emperor was required to maintain order in the society. Most aristocrats loved the idea of legalism due to use of power and force. Harsh laws and punishments were used to control Chinese people, such as farmers. These three philosophies were used during times of disorder and when applied, helped the longevity of a dynasty.
Another factor that contributed to longevity of Chinese dynasty system is proper organisation of the government and military. Strong military power enabled the dynasties to fight neighbouring states and expand their territories. Once a dynasty acquired a territory or defeated its enemies, the dynasty would become stronger. The army would protect the dynasties from its enemies. The building of the Great Wall to safeguard China from invasion during the Qin dynasty helped to protect the dynasty from northern aggression (Hogarth et al, 1999). The strong armies also helped to secure borders of the dynasties. The longevity of the dynasty system can also be related to the ruling through the “Mandate of Heaven”. Chinese emperors demanded that the Mandate of Heaven offered them the right to govern (Hogarth et al, 1999). The Chinese people considered the ruler as the link between heaven and earth. For instance, the Zhou rulers believed that a heavenly law granted them the power to reign. According to the mandate, the ruler was appointed by heavenly law because of his virtue and talent. Thus, he would lead the dynasty with a good heart and wisdom. The subjects expected the emperor to rule, according to Dao, way by keeping gods happy. The Mandate of Heaven also gave the people and the king important rights. Whereby, the subjects would overthrow their evil or dishonest king. In addition, the mandate affirmed that the emperor was not god himself.
The strong economic statues of the dynasties also contributed to the longevity of the dynasties. The numerous emperors with huge armies controlled over the land and developed classes of aristocrats, merchants, farmers and royal family. For instance, the Zhou family developed flood - control and irrigation systems to assist farmers plant more crops (Hogarth et al, 1999). The Qin Dynasty strengthened the central government and established single monetary systems. The Han Dynasty built Silk Road that opened up China to business and commerce (Hogarth et al, 1999). In addition, this dynasty established the civil service examination and experienced major inventions including paper, steel, improved sea travel and acupuncture. Moreover, the dynasties received high taxes from merchants and traders. The longevity was also caused by the dynasties influence on Chinese culture. For instance, the Shang Dynasty influenced the Chinese religion (Buddhism) and culture by creating Chinese written language (Hogarth et al, 1999). Therefore, the different changes and influences each dynasty had on China, made the dynasty influential thus making it last long.
Similarities and differences between Chinese dynastic and that of Europe
Chinese dynastic system was characterized by many dynasties e.g. Shang Dynasty, Zhou Dynasty, Qin Dynasty and Han Dynasty while Europe had the Roman Empire (Scheidel, 2007). Both China and Europe relations with Barbarians were characterised by Central Asia nomad groups threatening and invading their territories (Howard, 2001). The Barbarians settled near the borders of both empires. In addition, the Barbarians held great power in both empires. Another similarity lies in their religious policies. Both Rome and China nurtured foreign religions, particularly during the imperial disorder (Howard, 2001). In Roman Empire, Christianity never saved the empire but challenged the earthly power. Same as Rome, in China Buddhism was immersed into Daoism and Confucianism and assisted to maintain the Chinese culture during political troubles (Howard, 2001).
In both empires, the emperor was given divine attributes, and both often had difficulty in making rules for dynasty succession (Scheidel, 2007). Both the Romans and Chinese frequently tried to choose the best ruler who would lead the royal family and court (Howard, 2001...
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