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Familial Relationship

Essay Instructions:
You are required to explore contemporary media ¨C TV, movies, internet, magazines, popular literature ¨C and take note of the ways in which familial relationships are portrayed (including dating relationships, marriage, mothering, fathering, and parenting). You must then discuss the following in a 3-4 page paper: How does the portrayal of contemporary intimate and familial relationships relate to the content of the readings from Weeks 4-7? What are the dominant discourses underlying these portrayals? How might these discourses impact families, in general, and specifically those in need of professional assistance? How do their findings relate to your experiencing of intimate/familial relationships in their own lives? In order to adequately complete this assignment, it is very important for you to incorporate into your paper what you have learned from the course readings, class activities and discussions in Module Two. Class reading: Close Relations: An Introduction to the Sociology of Families 4th Edition: Amazon.ca: Susan A. McDaniel, Lorne Tepperman: Books
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Familial Relationship
The modern family, relationships and parenting are under great influence of the contemporary media. This is brought out well by the close relations. In this book the authors stress the family process over structure, reality over myth, and diversity over uniformity. The family and the family like relationships have been going though the evolvement of gender roles brought about by the contemporary media such as TV, internet, movies, popular literature and magazines among others. Close relations gets into the exploration of these modern family relations and the forms brought about by the transforming demands and the patterns of the society. These therefore affect the familial relations and child care at individual levels and at the society level. In relation to the book and the class discussions in module two, herein are the issues relating to the portrayal of familial relations and the contemporary intimacy and how they relate to module, the effects of these discourses to the society, and how the findings may affect the experience of people under the influence. Contemporary familial and intimate relationships are portrayed in the same way as in the fourth edition of Susan, McDaniel & Lorne’s book, ‘An Introduction to the Sociology of Families.’ There are dominant discourses of the portrayals and their impact on families, especially in those requiring professional assistance.
Families are social institutions setting the basis for all the familial relations in the society where every member has a role to play (Susan & Tepperman). The contemporary intimate and familial relationships relate to the above-mentioned book in the fact that it describes comprehensively about families’ modern relationship. Families offer much more functions than just being private and intimate. The contemporary society values and embraces intimacy in relationship. An individual’s development or intimacy, cannot survive solely as they depend on relationship. In contemporary relationship, people who are dating may first reflect on the seriousness of their relationship before deciding to have children. Reproductive decision-making may at times cause contradictions especially in occasions where partners do not agree on the issue. Some may differ in their views on the reproductive issue, in that they want more children while their partners want a few or no children at all. This needs time for evaluation for it might bring some sense of rejection for the children that are not planned (Cox & Demmitt, 2009).
It is ethical to say that interpersonal interactions modify the coping styles and personalities of individuals. The children’s birth means the beginning of long process of their lives to mutual adaption. The adaption starts from the child mother relationship, to the father and siblings, the extended families, intimate partners and to the entire social environment. Intimate interactions in that begin at an early age in contemporary families, serves as a ground upon which solid and strong relationships are formed. In order to adapt to the relating styles of other people, individuals ought to adjust their own behaviors. Human development is an outcome of complex interaction of forces that stays within each human being individually and the surroundings around them.
Contemporary society has embraced the modern lifestyle as they learn the importance of intimate and familial relationship specifically towards children. The structure of the modern familial relations has been affected through the media. People imitate the stars in the movies and others imitate other foreign cultures. This affects the way people relate with each other. Everyone is trying to be like the people at the top in the media such as top sport personalities, Hollyw...
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