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The Challenges Kids Faced on the Documentary "Poor Kids"

Essay Instructions:

SOC 110: Documentary Response Paper 2

Poor Kids

You can find the documentary here: http://www(dot)pbs(dot)org/wgbh/frontline/film/poor-kids/

In this paper, there are a number of questions/topics to address regarding the documentary. Remember, this is to be written in academic format—complete paragraphs (not bullet points), with an introduction and conclusion. You will draw on course materials (and outside resources if necessary) to make your argument. While we are all welcome to our opinions, this is not a space in which to promote yours—the purpose of the assignment is to make an argument and support it with evidence, so nowhere in this document should you write “I think” or “I feel” or “in my opinion” statements. Any statements that you make must be supported with evidence from the book or outside scholarly research. Failure to back up your arguments will result in a loss of all points.

• Please also use APA citation/reference format: https://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/resource/560/01/


1. What is the documentary’s overall argument? (4-5 sentence summary of the argument)

2. How does social stratification (income, wealth, power, occupational prestige, schooling, race, ethnicity, etc) explain the challenges that you see these kids and their families facing? You must reference information from our class and our textbook and connect it with specific examples from the documentary.

3. What evidence is there to suggest that the United States is failing to effectively remedy poverty? Essentially, how do we know that poverty is an issue in the US? Provide at least 3 examples, relying both on the information from the documentary and from the course textbook (personal examples are not appropriate for this part of the assignment).

4. What are some steps we can take as a society to prevent poverty in the US? The goal here is to talk about what we can do about our social structure (not what we can do as individuals). An individual level explanation like “we can teach people how to better manage their money” is not an appropriate answer. Think about large scale social changes that we can make. Provide at least 3 examples relying both on the information from the documentary and from the course textbook (personal examples are not appropriate for this part of the assignment).

5. How can you connect what you see in this film with your own community or communities that you are familiar with?


1. Your paper should be a minimum of 2 double-spaced pages (roughly 500-600 words minimum, not including header). Any less than 2 pages will result in you losing significant points. Any attempt to artificially manipulate the length of your paper will also result in the loss of significant points.

o This is the minimum length required to receive a passing score. To receive a higher score, you may need to write more than 2 pages.

2. Size 12 font—Times New Roman.

3. 1 inch margins. (Most computers are set up with 1.25 inch margins)

4. Only include your name and date as your header. Do not include my name, the class name, the room number, etc.—this is a space filler and is unnecessary.

5. Please double-check spelling and grammar.

Rubric: 50 points

Content: 45 points

1. Overall argument, 4-5 sentences (10 points)

a. This must be more than a simple summary of the film. What did the film argue? What point was the film trying to make?

b. Failure to do more than provide a summary = automatic -5 points

2. Explanation of how social stratification plays a role in their lives (10 points)

a. Failure to talk about social stratification = automatic -7 points

b. Failure to adequately discuss = -5

c. But how exactly do characteristics of stratification impact how these children experience the world? The goal here is to draw connections between what we've learned in class with what we see in the documentary, making specific arguments about how things like race, class, gender, education, etc. impact how people move through life. (-5)

3. How are we failing to remedy inequality (10 points)

a. 3 examples, 3 points for each example

4. Steps we can take (10 points)

a. 3 examples, 3 points for each example

b. If they talk about individual rather than structural suggestions, -5 if all, -2 for each one if only 1 or 2

5. How connected to own community? (5 points)

Format: 5 points

1. Minimum 2 double spaced pages

2. Size 12 times new roman

3. 1 inch margins

4. only name/date as header

5. spelling/grammar

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Documentary Analysis: Poor Kids
Institutional Affiliation
Documentary Analysis: Poor Kids
One of the effective artistic ways of providing an argument or opinion on a social problem like poverty is through the use of a documentary. This analysis draws from the “Poor Kids” documentary to answer the following questions:
1 What is the documentary’s overall argument?
The “Poor Kids” documentary is a collection of sentiments, opinions, and wishes from different kids and adults of different family settings regarding their living conditions. In general, the documentary shows how people live in poverty and the challenges they face. Some of the highly noted challenges are the inability to settle their bills, which has seen them denied services like hot showers and being chased out of the house. These families cannot afford food, making their children unhealthy and unhappy. The documentary also elaborates on how these poor kids express their bad experience with poverty as it has seen them lose what they love, drop from school, and inability to chase their dreams. It also shows how various political regimes have passed without doing much to reduce the number of people who live in poverty.
2 How does social stratification explain the challenges faced by these kids?
To understand the challenges that these kids are facing, one would be interested to consider the American social stratification system. There is a lot of class differences that are witnessed in the United States and that is what has facilitated the prolonged poverty to some and the ever-increasing riches for others. According to most research works, in the United States, the most widely recognized stratification systems are based on race, social class, and gender (MMcleod & Nonnemaker, 1999). This implies that the whites, who are the dominant race, have access to more resources than the black Americans. To support this is research, Herring and Henderson, (2016) show that compared with whites, African Americans receive significantly lower wealth returns to education, age, income, stock ownership, and business ownership.
From the documentary, social stratification has played a great role in the challenges that the kids in the film are facing. For instance, most of them are from poor families, which means that they are from the lower class. Lower-class people have less access to wealth resources. For example, one of the family explains that after a recession, then he lost his job and that is why brought all the problems since losing a job means low class (Neumann & Mucciolo, 2012). Another aspect of stratification that has play...
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