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Causes and Effects of Plagiarism

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Causes and Effects of Plagiarism
Causes and Effects of Plagiarism
Good writing skills require authenticity and originality. Some writers might steal academic content, which amounts to acts of plagiarism. Plagiarism is considered to be the act of using somebody else’ original work or ideas and making it appear as your own without giving them credit for that work by referencing them. There are different forms of plagiarism for example copying text in full or partly, using your work without referencing the source and borrowing an idea from another source and not recognizing the source. Acts of plagiarism might also include copying another author’s sentence structure without referencing it back to them while changing some of the words in it. Plagiarism has different effects to writers, which include punitive effects and some the might affect some personal attributes in a writer such as authenticity and lack of original writing skills. The essay discusses the effects and consequences of plagiarism
One of the effects of plagiarism is Laziness. As such, one may opt to get work that has been done by someone else and use it, one might become laziness. The person may get bad grades due to lack of authenticity in writing. Laziness from the learners might also inhibit academic progress as learners tend to get done work by other authors, using it and getting underserving credits. Laziness from plagiarism might also give the writers false capabilities when working on a project but are not well qualified for the task. So as not to fall short of the standards they have set for themselves, they ‘borrow’ thoughts and ideas from other people’s work, which gives them false accreditations and underserving capabilities.
Another effect of plagiarism might be punitive outcomes as plagiarism happens to be an offense. Since plagiarism is an academic transgression, it attracts punishment depending on how extreme the crime was committed. If it was applied in a slight scale, one may face disciplinary action in the form the work being rejected and one being asked to redo the entire work. However, when carried out in large scale, one might face the outcome of expulsion from the institution as plagiarism is an offense that is not encouraged in ...
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