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Music for the Golden Record Writing Assignment

Essay Instructions:

Imagine that the year is 1977, and you are a member of the committee in charge of choosing the contents of the golden record that will be launched aboard the Voyager 1. Most of the musical selections have already been decided—in fact, the complete list appears on p. 363 of the reading above. Unexpectedly, there is space on the record for one more piece of music. You have been asked to make the final selection. What do you choose?

In a paragraph of 100–200 words, for 5 points, please describe:

The name of the music and its composer or performer. If possible, include a YouTube link.

The reason(s) behind your selection. What makes the music a good choice?

How is your selection different (or not) from the music that is already on the record? Be specific.

Notice: 100-200 words

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Music for the Golden Record
There are various way modes of communicating, sharing a thought or opinion, or duplicating an event. In the world today, artists had improvised and continued to use old day modes of communication such as poetry, painting, drama, theatre performance, movies, and music (Nachmanovitch, 1990). Through the above example, an individual can entertain and at the same time pass on a message to the audience. According to Nelson, & Polansky, (1993) music gives a vehicle for the expression of emotions and ideas, which could not be revealed in ordinary discourse. When it comes to music there is a wide variety available and at our reach and this has enabled individuals to make a playlist of songs that suit the event, mode, moment, or the environment. For example, one can have a workout session playlist that has music that motives an individual to continue with the workout session. In this case, our based example is a list of music to be played aboard the Voyager 1.
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