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Causation and Diversion

Essay Instructions:

Review the juvenile delinquency prevention programs that have been evaluated for their effectiveness at: http://crimesolutions(dot)gov/TopicDetails.aspx?ID=62 Select one program that was rated effective, one program that was rated promising and one program that was rated “no effect.” Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper reviewing the three programs. Address the following in your paper: • How do the programs selected work to reduce juvenile crime? What are the programs’ major goals, objectives, and core beliefs? • Who are the key participants in these programs? • What services do they provide to youths? • Identify which program is most effective at reducing juvenile crime and why. Identify which program is least effective and explain why. Identify the program that is promising and explain why it is not yet effective. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Submit assignment to assignments link. Be prepared to share results of research on selected programs in class discussion.

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Causation and Diversion
Some of the adult offenders that have been arrested or are in the process of being brought to justice have had a history of crime. It is quite rare to find that the adult offenders have not tried mischief in the past, where they were book or they got lucky. Criminal usually have a habit of starting this acts of delinquency from a tender age. Where the offenders are apprehended and found to be below the legal age of an adult, they are brought before the juvenile court other than the federal courts. As such, juvenile delinquency relates to the youngsters that have committed acts of crime that would otherwise be deemed criminal of they had been committed by an adult. It is common to find that even the children that are quite young will commit acts of rape and murder as heinous as they may be. It is also crucial to understand that a child can also be tried in an adult’s courts depending on their age and the kind of crime that they have been involved in. where a child within the age between 14 and 17 and they are involved in some very serious crimes, they are not going to be tried in the juvenile courts. Such crimes include rape, robbery with violence, drugs, escape from a juvenile detention center, murder or attempted murder, arson with people with the building in question, crimes that involve guns and the acts of kidnap or carjacking. However, for the purpose of this paper, much of the reference made relates to the offenses that are handles within the juvenile courts as a branch of the justice system. Considering that most of the youngsters that are involved in crimes at an early stage and are not handled with care end up being criminal in their adults, it is crucial to monitor them. There is a couple of efforts that have been put in place to try and alleviate the problem. Discussed in the paper are those efforts that relate to the protection programs. Some of the programs have been very successful while other have not had any effects at all and require redefinition.
One of the programs that have no much effect to the course of eradicating delinquency in the youngster that have been through the juvenile courts is the CASASTART. Ideally, the program which is a community based was known as the Children at Risk. To help the children reduce the delinquency, the program is modeled around care management. The program also ensures that the youngsters that are between the ages of 11 and 13 years are free from drug abuse among other aspects of delinquency. The program goals include helping the children to violence that is drug related, lower the incidences of disruptive behavior in their school life, reduce incidences of alcohol and drug abuse, help the high risk youngsters to refrain from violence, while at the same trying to increase the level of school attendance and increased goal setting and skills development (Crimesolutions.gov, 2014c).
Part of the management teams come from the community that is in question, teachers, family members of the children criminal justice personnel and the case managers. This group works together to make sure that they protect the 13 to 18 children that are allocated to each team. There are quarterly meetings, held by the council and the administrative committees so they teams can evaluate their progress.
The program is designed to assist the children that have been affected by habitual delinquency and those that have a likelihood of joining the list. There are eight crucial services that every child on the program has to receive regardless of the fact that the program may change due to the specificity of the locality involved. There are policing efforts that are community oriented, to assist with the rough neighborhoods, and intervention from the criminal justice, which relates to referring youngsters to community resources that they can rely on. The children are also incentivized and mentored to ensure that they do not lose track. Through the case managers, the program also extends social support and family services, tailored towards assessing and availing needs to the family and the child. At the same time, children are involved in summer activities and educational services, to develop social and academic respectively.
Aban Aya Youth Project is one...
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