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The Relationship and Distinction between Drug Abuse and Addiction

Essay Instructions:

Explain in detail (using your readings/presentations from this module/week to support what you say) the relationship between abuse and addiction. How can one discern abuse from addiction? What are the determining factors that distinguish one from the other? Discuss local news coverage of alcohol- or drug-related incidences in your area. Give details on the prevalence of addiction based on your readings and the news stories. Make sure to support everything you report with current APA citations and then reference at the end ESSAY GRADING RUBRIC STRUCTURE Points Earned • Introduction is clear and interesting _______ • Essay presentation is strong and focused _______ • Each paragraph is clear and contains 1 major idea _______ • Transitions are clear and maintain flow of thought _______ • Conclusion is objective and rises from content _______ • Understanding of subject and proper use of empirical knowledge _______ • Substantive; good development of ideas and concepts _______ • Assertions clearly supported by empirical knowledge _______ GRAMMAR AND MECHANICS • Sentence fluency coherent, unified, varied _______ • Sentence structure — complete, clear, and concise _______ • Punctuation _______ • Spelling/Grammar _______ • Words — precise, unambiguous, and appropriate _______ FORMAT • Title Page in current APA style _______ • General appearance/running head _______ • Font, margins, headings, are in current APA Style _______ • Citations properly used _______ • Quotations properly used _______ • Word Count parameters (600 words) are met _______ • Reference Page is in current APA format _______ ESSAY DETAILS • Readings AND presentations were identified _______ • Well established thesis statement based on essay topic _______ • Used empirical knowledge to support thesis statement _______ • Addressed everything asked in module essay topic _______ • Clear representation of readings AND presentations

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Relationship and Distinction between Drug Abuse and Addiction
The Relationship and Distinction between Drug Abuse and Addiction
Most people think that drug abuse and addiction refer to the same thing.. Getting the distinction between the two is further complicated by the fact that drug abusers are also addicts, hence the notion that the two are inseparable. However, although the distinction is not always clear, the two concepts mean different levels of drug use. This essay discusses the relationship and distinctions between drug abuse and addiction.
Drug abuse is the illegal or legal use of drugs such as alcohol, tobacco, or prescription medicine despite the harmful effects associated with continued use. Thus, individuals who abuse drugs do so willingly even if they are aware that the habit is having a negative impact on their life, work, relationships, and family. Drug addiction, on the other hand, is the compulsive use of drugs despite their harmful consequences. Drug addiction involves developing dependence on the drug and being unable to stop using the drug (Tieu, 2010). The relationship between abuse and addiction is that the former leads to the latter; long term drug abuse develops into addiction. Drug abuse encourages habitual use of a drug, and over time the individual develops chemical dependence on the drug to the extent that they cannot function normally without taking it. In a nutshell, drug addiction cannot develop without prior abuse of the drug. As one becomes a habitual user of a drug despite its harmful effects, his or her body develops chemical dependence on the drug, so the individual must use it to feel normal or function effectively (Tieu, 2010). A habit that used to be a conscious choice (abuse) becomes a compulsive and unstoppable behavior (addiction).
The distinction between abuse and addiction is that abuse is often a choice. It is a habit that a person engages in willingly even if he is aware of the consequences (Ames, 2008). For instance, an alcoholic who gets drunk daily and often exceeds the legal limit is an abuser. The person can reverse his drinking pattern if he desires, but continues to drink due to factors like peer influence. In contrast, addicti...
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