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The Filipino And The Drunkard Analysis

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The Filipino and the Drunkard
The Filipino and the Drunkard
In the verdict for the case of Filipino and the Drunkard, it is evident that the assailant is guilty of voluntary manslaughter, as he intended to kill the drunkard after he provoked him (Saroyan, n.d.). This is relative to the fact that they intended to kill the deceased, but decided to do so in the spur of the moment, with the intense anger that he had. It is important to note that, in the event before the murder took place, the story indicates that Filipino took out the pocket knife that was the weapon used in the case, when he was consumed with anger. When he starts stabbing the victim, he does not stop and goes on a frenzy even when it is clear that he was already out of harm’s way ("Voluntary Manslaughter Overview :: Justia", 2018). Were it that he was in self-defense, the element of anger would not in a way have come up and this would have been replaced by fear. It is also important to consider that, Filipino did not in any way exhaust all the option of avoid the confrontation and eventually the event of the murder. In the story, there is the mention of the officers (Saroyan, n.d.). This means that Filipino had the option of going to the authorities which he did not. Instead he struggled with the drunkard and eventually decided to stab him which is an act that he knew was going to cause bodily harm and could even have caused death which in the end was the result ("Voluntary Manslaughter Penalties and Sentencing - FindLaw", 2018). Going to the authorities was actually one of the easiest option and one that would have made sure that the drunkard is even charged with discriminative and racist elements. Instead he chose to resolve the issue on his own with the edge of a blade (Berman, 2018).
It is however important to consider that the drunkard had started to choke the young man and as such he stabbed him to make sure that he did not come to harm. What it more interesting though is the fact that, out of anger instead of fear, he draws his knife and stabs the...
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