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Mental Health Issues Of College Students

Essay Instructions:

In your written reflection, which should total approximately two double-spaced pages (or about 500 words). Choose one or more of the following prompts to frame your reflection.

(Mental Health Resources)

Read the Lack of Long-Term Counseling articleand visit C.A.P.S. Look up some of the resources that are available. Politely (be a good representative of ED 20) enter the building and visit the front desk. Ask about some of the resources that are available to students. Come prepared with good questions. Check out the brochures while you are there. See if you can get an appointment in the massage chair or egg char. Learn as MUCH about the resources at C.A.P.S. as possible and reflect on what you were able to find out and what you think is worth remembering. Additionally, you can reflect on what you think the role of mental health is in the lives of college students. If you had a friend who was having a hard time, would you be likely to recommend C.A.P.S. to them as a resource? Why or why not?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Mental Health Name: Institution: Course: Date: Mental Health Mental health is not a topic that many people have a conversation about. However, there is a serious concern that is associated with the mental health among the students and one that is alarming. According to Gregg Henriques Ph.D., not sound like an alarmist, mental health is currently a crisis in America and one that is quite prevalent in the college student population (Henriques, 2014). Now more than even ever before has the country needed to address the situation that is constantly growing. This is relative to the level of pressure that students are exposed to in the shortest period of time, where they are supposed to grow up and become adults and before they know it, life choices that they never had to make before. Constantly faced with choices that are life changing, the students do not have the resilience to handle the pressure crack and therefore develop mental health problems such as depression. It is a crucial concern relative to the fact that, for most of the students they do not even know that they suffering from mental health issues until it is too late. With such prevalence level and the complexity, students need resources that they can access freely to help manage the mental health challenges and even the illness that they face. One such facility is the Counselling and Psychological Services (C.A.P.S.) (Counseling & Psychological Services, 2018). At C.A.P.S., the students are allowed free services where they see the counselor for short sessions that march the tight schedules of the students and that of the counselor. This is relative to the fact that, the facility is currently short on staff and as such the psychologist at the facility is responsible for more than 967 students (Wolf, 2018). This however notwithstanding, the students are exposed to vast resources at the facility to assist them with their challenges. The students have an array of services t...
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