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Career Explorations

Essay Instructions:

Assignment instructions: Complete the Career Finder assessment. Identify three careers from the Career Finder that you would like to learn more about. In a well-organized essay, please summarize the results from your skills finder assessment and describe how your strongest skills fit into the prospective careers you chose. Careers I chose from the Career Finder: Emergency Management Directors Probation Officers & Correctional Treatment Specialists Equal Opportunity Representatives and Officers My Strongest skills are: Military background as Military Police Officer (MP) and MP supervisor Active Listening Concern for Others Self Control Stress Tolerance Integrity Dependability Leadership Adaptability/Flexibility Complex problem solving Good social skills Attention to detail

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Career Explorations
A Career exploration involves the importance of seeking a job that matches your interest and personality. One should reflect on several tests and measures that assist in opening possibilities in various jobs. There are various jobs am interested in that include:
Emergency Management Directors
In these occupations, employees are mainly required to have several years of work related experiences, vocational training and on the job training (Shahnasarian, 2010).
Business-Customer services, Management.
Arts and Humanities-English language
Safety and Government-Law and government, Public safety and security
Coordination in crisis management activities such as evacuation emergencies
* Complex problem solving- Involves the identification of problems and evaluating options as well as implementing solutions.
* Speaking-ability to talk to others in order to convey information effectively.
* Active listening-being able to give full attention to what is being conveyed by the people, asking questions as proper and avoiding interrupting at improper times.
* Social skills-ability in helping others and altering what is completed based on the actions of other people.
Requires the need of:
* Dependability, integrity, stress tolerance, analytical thinking, leadership.
Project management software-National Center for Crisis and Continuity Coordination NC4 Team, Alert Technologies OpsCenter.
Data base user interface and query softaware-SoftRisk Technologies SoftRisk SQl, relational database software.
Probation Officer and Correctional Treatment Specialist
These occupations assist in providing social services to law offender on probation or in custody. In charge of making recommendations for actions concerning treatment of offender and formulation of rehabilitation arrangement, consisting of conditional release, employment and education stipulations (Alarid, 2014).
Safety and government
Public security and safety-Law and government
Math and science-Psychology and Anthropology and sociology
Business-Customer service
Interview parolees and probationers regularly to assess their steps forward in accomplishing goals and upholding the terms detailed in their probation plans and probation contracts.
Administer alcohol and dru...
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