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Business Model: Smith Management, LLC

Essay Instructions:
Questions to Answers What business model does your chosen organization use? Does it work for this organization? Is there a better model that should be used? Analyze the business models The business models In my reading, I have come to understand that the subscription business model is a business model that has long been used by magazines companies and the like. Rather than sell products directly, more and more companies are selling monthly or yearly access to a product or service. This, in effect, converts a one-time sale of a product into a recurring sale of a service. The Razor/Razorblade model has evolved to mean any business practice in which a company offers a one-time product - usually at little or no cost (see loss leader) - that is complemented by another product for which the consumer is required to make repeated purchases. Perhaps the most recent contemporary example of this practice that I have found involves internet companies giving away internet modem devices to customers and then charging those customers monthly subscription fees to use the internet modem. The logic of the first mover model is that some business can obtain the market by being the first to take advantage of the need for a product or service. Sometime the first mover miss the opportunity needed to advance to the next round of success in a business; therefore the second mover can review the mistakes of the first mover and take advantage of what the first mover missed out on. Re-inventors in my beliefs are those CIOs and CTOs who have truly changed an industry, leading with their actions, or people who think outside the box.
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Topic: Business Model: Smith Management, LLC
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Business Model: Smith Management, LLC
Different Businesses has different business models depending on the goods which they sell or services which they offer. The most appropriate business model for an entertaining business by understands the clientele whom they are offering the services if it is a wedding or any other occasion which needs entertainment (Debelak, 2006). In most cases there are those occasions which they cannot get a return business. For example once they have got client who needs entertainment for a wedding. It’s unlikely that they will have a return business for the same nature with that client. However, during the occasion there is high potential of getting more potential clients for such event.
It is therefore advisable for Smith Management, LLC to work on their entertainment they are holding for any form of occasion as an avenue for advertising their services. They can as well indentify occasions which...
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