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Essay Instructions:
ASSIGNMENT 01 EN130 English Composition Directions: Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be a minimum of one (1) single-spaced page to a maximum of two (2) pages in length; refer to the "Assignment Format" page for specific format requirements. Using what you learned in Lessons 1 and 2 as well as in this lesson, write a well-developed Exemplification essay on one of the following topics: ƒ¤ A computer/tech invention that will probably shape this century ƒ¤ A business concept that has changed history ƒ¤ An unusual study technique ƒ¤ Ethical practices in business ƒ¤ Sustainable development ƒ¤ Democracy in the digital age ƒ¤ Data security and privacy ƒ¤ Information technology¡¦s effect on society ƒ¤ Henrik Ibsen said, ¡§The majority is always wrong.¡¨ ƒ¤ A risk that paid off Your essay, which must demonstrate your understanding of the exemplification essay, will be graded using the following scale: Essay clearly demonstrates the concept of exemplification 15 points Clear thesis statement/purpose for essay 10 points Paragraph development (includes thesis support, topic sentences, and paragraph unity/coherence) 35 points Organization of essay (including transitions) 20 points Use of language (includes grammar and punctuation) 20 points 100 points You may use outside sources if you document them using APA format, or you may write this essay based entirely on your knowledge/experience. THIS IS THE END OF ASSIGNMENT 01. Reading Assignments Text Readings In Writing Today, read Chapters 1-5. Lecture Notes Thesis Statements Your textbook does a great job of discussing the thesis statement in Chapter 3, but I wanted to reinforce it a little more. After all, the thesis statement is the most important line in your essay! THE THESIS STATEMENT: Clearly states the narrowed, limited topic or subject of your essay Clearly makes an assertion, provides a focus, states an opinion regarding your topic; the assertion may be A single word (frightening, challenged, childish, surpasses) A phrase or clause (an atypical female character, a life-changing event, should not be banned) Takes an original, as opposed to trite, common, or well-known, approach to a topic Takes only one assertion Controls the direction, the development of the essay Is stated in only one sentence Appears at the end of the introductory paragraph (within the last two sentences) EXAMPLES: (The topic or subject is underlined and the assertion is in bold print.) The near-tragic automobile accident resulted in several significant changes in my lifestyle. Mr. Adkison uses some bizarre teaching techniques to help his students improve their writing. The movie Cold Mountain deserves to "sweep" the Academy Awards this year. My experience as a tutor has benefited me in a number of ways. WHEN FORMULATING YOUR THESIS STATEMENT: DO NOT announce the subject of your essay; such a statement usually does not contain the assertion required for a thesis statement. Do NOT write: I am going to write about my high school graduation. My thesis will be the skiing trip I took during the Christmas holidays. My paper will discuss and develop the differences between the Ford Explorer and the Jeep Grand Cherokee. DO NOT make more than one assertion. Do NOT write: My high school graduation was fun, exciting, and sad. My ski trip to the Canadian Rockies provided many wonderful family memories, taught me a lesson about following rules, and allowed me to improve my skiing technique. The 2004 Jeep Grand Cherokee is the most popular Sport Utility Vehicle on the market and is a better buy than the Ford Explorer. DO NOT include words or phrases such as "I think," "I believe," "In my opinion." If your thesis is properly stated (worded), the reader will know that the ideas expressed are yours. DO NOT present a statement of fact as a thesis. A thesis should provoke argument or disagreement, and it should be proven with examples, facts, and concrete evidence. A statement of fact does not have to be proven; we already know it to be true. FACTS may be used as support for a thesis but should not make up the thesis. In writing your thesis, ask yourself, "Can I prove this statement with specific examples, facts, and/or personal experiences?" Do NOT write: Teenagers like to spend time with their friends. John F. Kennedy served as President of the United States in the early 1960s. The Weather Channel provides up-to-the-minute weather conditions for all major regions of the country. DO NOT be vague, or too general. Do NOT write: Some people think the drug problem among teens is getting worse. Having Friday Chat discussions at Ashworth University has disadvantages and advantages for both students and faculty. I learned many things about college last semester. Professional athletes are admired for the many things they do. DO NOT make unreasonable and/or unsubstantiated claims, insulting or derogatory remarks, or oversimplified statements. Do NOT write: Sexual misconduct among immature, underage teenagers has increased sharply in recent years. Radical animal-rights fanatics have made hunting nearly impossible for serious, law-abiding hunters. These masochists who insist on puncturing and piercing every available body part are crazy. Reading Assignments Text Readings In Writing Today, read Chapters 20, 21, and then 18. You will notice that your textbook discusses MLA guidelines and then APA guidelines; focus on the APA guidelines as you read since you will use APA format in all of your courses at Ashworth University. Lecture Notes Evaluating Online Research Options Most students now turn to online research tools as their initial reference base. However, as the Internet, and particularly the World Wide Web, is still a wholly-unregulated publication tool; proper documentation and evaluation of online sources is necessary. Evaluate your online research methods using these five tips. Judge the quality of online material with a critical eye. Reputable sites, such as The New York Times, Consumer Reports, and other sites associated with major publications, are generally valid and accurate with their information. However, these sources should be scrutinized as any other source. Government sites associated with specific departments, i.e., Department of Labor (dol.gov), provide very good sources of primary information. However, any individual can post a site, so be aware of the entity -- person or organization -- presenting the information. Consider when the information was posted. Many sites have "Last Updated _____" notices. This information is critical when determining the validity and accuracy of a current statistic or comment. While you may obtain employment information from the Department of Labor, if the information is from 1995 and you are researching current trends, the information is not helpful for anything more than a comparison statement. You still need valid statistics from more recent years. Check for bias or perspective in a document. While most articles and journals are expected to establish an objective viewpoint, many publications present a slanted perspective to serve their greater purpose. This is extremely important when reviewing newsletters from organizations with a specific agenda (e.g., the Sierra Club's newsletter will read very differently than the U.S. Chamber of Commerce publication concerning environmental legislation. Which would you trust ¡X a group that values profit or one that values the planet? Why? Think about the big picture. Even articles from reputable sources often cater to a particular viewpoint (e.g., The Wall Street Journal). For another look at bias, look at the FAIR (Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting) Web site http://www(dot)fair(dot)org/activism/detect.html. Remember, different search engines/directories will lead you to different information. The online world is so vast that no one search engine or online directory can contain all the updated information. Thus, utilize a variety of search engines. While you will find overlap, you may also obtain several pearls of information you would have missed otherwise. Some major engines to consider: AltaVista: www(dot)altavista(dot)com AOL: www(dot)aol(dot)com Excite: www(dot)excite(dot)com Go: www(dot)go(dot)com HotBot: www(dot)hotbot(dot)com Lycos: www(dot)lycos(dot)com MSN Search: www(dot)msn(dot)com Magellan: www(dot)magellan(dot)com Snap: www(dot)snap(dot)com WebCrawler: www(dot)webcrawler(dot)com Yahoo: www(dot)yahoo(dot)com Note: Yahoo is a directory, not a search engine; it categorizes sites by topic. Dogpile: www(dot)dogpile(dot)com Note: Dogpile will search databases, catalogs, and multiple search engines for you using your key words. Use e-mail and postings to discussion groups to lead you to additional information. Rarely use them as a direct source. Unless you are interviewing a verifiable source via e-mail, comments made in a discussion group should not be included as a major reference in a research or documented paper. Rather, join discussion groups or request e-mail to glean suggestions, opinions, and ideas about where to search for accountable information.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Topic: Ethical Practices in Business
Instructor’s Name:
Ethical Practices in Business
For a business to build up an honest business which is reputable it must practice ethical practices to ensure that it run smoothly and remain competitive in its business. The ethical practices should be adhered to in relation to Investors, Employees, Customers, Competition, Government and the environment as well (Rajeev, 2011).
Investors will only continue to invest in a company which values them. Therefore, the organization will need to be open in its transactions such that the investors will trust them with their money. This would be achieved through provision of accurate timely report to the investors which ensures the investors that their money is safe. Secondly they will need to timely pay interests to the investors in a timely and in the agreed proportions. Once the investor gain confident with the company by it being ethical they will invest more and woo more investors to invest in the company.
Employees for the most essential part of an organization and they should be treated with respect. The organization should always be ethical when dealing with the employees with an intention of motivating them and retaining them for much a longer duration. Therefore, the organization should provide fair opportunities when they are training or promoting the employees. These should always be done in reference to merit. The working conditions should be up to standards to ensure they are in a good working condition which does not strain them and lastly the employers should remunerate them with the rates they had agreed upon and pay them in time (Cfagbata, 2011).
Customers are the one who sustain a business by buying its goods and services. Therefore, the business should be ethical when in contact with the customer. Hence, they should be provided with ...
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