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Business Letter: Cultural Integration Instructions

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Business Letter with Instructions
Business Letter with Instructions
SofTec Inc.
Melrose Avenue
Los Angeles, California
Managing Partner
SofTec Inc.
Rodeo Drive
Los Angeles, California
Dear Name:
I am writing to inform you of the newest development in our company. The information provided in this letter is strictly confidential and I would appreciate it if you handled it as such. Recently, our company was able to close an acquisition deal with Biztech Ltd, effective Date. As discussed earlier, this acquisition will help our company create synergies by combining the resources of the two companies, thereby enhancing cost-saving and revenue generation.
There are, however, some major changes associated with this acquisition and I would like to draw your attention to them. First, there is a high likelihood that some positions will be duplicated once the acquisition is complete. Consequently, the company will need to lay-off those employees holding duplicate jobs. I understand that this is not an easy task given that some of the employees to be laid-off have been with us since the company was founded. Second, the integration of culture is imperative for the success of our company. After conducting thorough research into acquisitions, I realized that companies are likely to fail after an acquisition because of culture clash. Culture clash causes polarization between employees from the two companies, making it impossible to achieve synergy and increased productivity (Galpin & Herndon, 2014). Thus, it is important that we address this issue as early as possible to ensure that employees are not subscribing to the culture of individual companies.
Your input is important, especially into the culture integration aspect of the post-acquisition change management. I would like you to assist particularly with the initial stages of the integration. I have enclosed some instructions that will be useful in the process, and I will highly appreciate it if you can work on them immediately.
Chief Technology Officer
SofTec Inc.
Culture Integration Instructions
Culture integration plays a crucial role in an acquisition as it helps companies avoid many pitfalls such as low employee morale and lack of synergy of resources. Forming a common culture after an acquisition will ensure that the company has a common decision-making and leadership style, thus facilitating efficiency (Chmielecki & Sulkowski, 2016). The following steps provide a strategy that can facilitate smooth culture integration.
Step One: Cultural Analysis
This step entails what is commonly referred to as due diligence. First, you will analyze the differences and gaps that exist in both companies’ cultures (Galpin & Herndon, 2014). Identify elements of each cultu...
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