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Bobsville's Coordination with Federal Agencies

Essay Instructions:

After reading Chapters 2 and 3 of the Comprehensive Preparedness Guide, write an ESF13 "Public Safety & Security" coordination annex on how Bobsville will coordinate with Federal Agencies in the case of a large scale disaster.
Here are some supplemental materials on the Emergency Support Functions.
FEMA - ESF and Support Annexes Overview
FEMA - ESF Support Function Annexes Introduction
Write a minimum of 2 pages on the function and its contents. You may reference CPG101 Appendix C and other agencies documents as reference but you must write your Annex for Bobsville specifically. You will use this document in future classes and execute this plan so help yourself by being thorough.
Please create your response in a Microsoft word document, and upload as an attachment for submission. Pages are to be double-spaced utilizing Verdana 12 point font text. The page requirements are exclusive of your reference list and cover page.
Use the following file name example when uploading your Word document as an attachment: YourlastnameEDMG220-ESF13.docx

Essay Sample Content Preview:

ESF 13
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
ESF 13
Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) provides an ideal example of jurisdiction for use in developing a plan following an occurrence of a disaster. Any emergency management entails various types of programs and actions to attain the core set objectives. An EOP is flexible enough to address all kinds of emergencies that might arise (ESF, 2008). Organizations and individuals alike can utilize it in prevention, protection, and response for long-term recovery from a disaster. Some of the strategies, such as temporary housing placement, are time-sensitive (Agencies, 2018). A disaster assistance plan indicates ways of identifying, certifying, and providing support to eligible recipients. A planning team has a concern of including all the critical information in the EOP. Public safety and security Annexes are essential in responding and addressing an emergency occurrence.
1 Introduction: Purpose and Scope
* Emergency Support Function (ESF) #13- public safety and security involve an integration of security capabilities and public safety in support of a full range of incident management activities that relate to potential incidents that needs a coordinated federal response.
2 Policies and Agreements
* In the current era, Bobsville does not have and standing MOUs.
3 Situation and Assumptions
Attention and support from external agencies will be critical at the state and federal level in addressing appropriate responses based on the size and nature of Bobsville operations, especially following an occurrence of a large-scale disaster.
Besides, any significant emergency may need law enforcement and security services beyond the daily capabilities of emergency response. Civil unrest, traffic control, and maintenance of law and order will be significant responsibilities in the process (Yu et al., 2018). Local agencies will have critical duties of law enforcement on a routine basis and support groups. In such a case, public works will facilitate traffic and crowd control.
Furthermore, ICS/NIMS processes will be critical for adoption and use in the command and control of any form of law enforcement incident within the country's jurisdiction.
4 Roles and Responsibilities
* ESf Coordinator.
* Department of Justice (DOJ)
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