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Criticism in the Age of Video Games by Brendan Keogh

Essay Instructions:

For this Reading Summary assignment, you must select an assigned course reading from Week 04 (September 29th) or any week afterward and write a succinct, clear summary of it. Throughout the first month of the course, I will be providing my own sample summaries of each of the first three weeks of assigned readings within my weekly lectures. I will also be working to provide further tips and advice on how to write a reading summary during these lectures so alongside the written assignment instructions included here you will have a very clear idea as to my expectations.
You may submit your assignment as either a 300-500 word text file or a 4-6 minute recorded slide presentation. For text submissions, your summary must be written using complete sentences and structured paragraphs, please do not submit point form notes. For recorded slide submissions, you must put some effort into making slides visually appealing and to make sure to fully label any images you include. Regardless of whether you submit a written or recorded file for this assignment, please do not directly quote any text from your selected reading (or any other source) within your summary as it is my intention for you to demonstrate your understanding of the paper in your own words.
Your Reading Summary should ideally achieve some combination of the following:
- Provide a brief biography of the author
- Identify the paper’s primary research question(s) or thesis statement
- Describe how the author has argued their position in relation to their research question(s) or thesis statement
- Provide a personal reflection on how you think this essay is useful to game studies—or alternatively, a critique specifically stating what you didn’t like about the paper.
- Written in a clear and concise manner. Uses proper punctuation and is free from spelling mistakes and grammatical errors.
The goal of this assignment is to get you to rigorously engage with a recent game studies essay and demonstrate your ability to identify its key rhetorical and/or theoretical elements as well as to speculate on the essay’s potential usefulness to other scholars. You will be graded on how well you adhere to the instructions listed above in addition to the overall quality of your writing (clear, easy to understand, no typos present, and falls within the expected length). Please see the rubric below for further explanation of this assignment's grading criteria.
Scoring standard description

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Reading Summary
Student Full Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Full Title
Instructor Full Name
Due Date
Reading Summary
“Across Worlds And Bodies: Criticism In The Age Of Video Games” is written by Brendan Keogh, a PhD candidate and part-time instructor at RMIT University’s School of Media and Communication, Melbourne, Australia. Koegh is a scholar in methods and forms of videogame criticism, besides serving as a videogame critic for several global publications such as The New Statesman, Edge, Overland Library, Ars Technica, and Polygon. The author of the reflexive book Killing is Harmless: A Critical Reading of Spec Ops: The Line (Keogh, 2014). The primary thesis statement of the article is that academic discourses of videogame criticism should use a critical toolkit entailing a bottom-up, descriptive analysis that gives credence to the central association between the videogame's specialized hardware and audiovisual representations with the player's body.
Keogh calls for a transition beyond the current reductive methods of video game analysis like 'interaction' and 'immersion' to ones that evaluate every videogame on their terms rather than on their conformance to preconceived ideas. The author posits that paying attention to particular video games as played will allow for a holistic and meaningful assessment of the phenomenological experience of videogame across both bodies and worlds. Keogh argues this position concerning the thesis statement by first illustrating how the uncritical uptake of certain historical concepts in game studies like ‘interaction’ and ‘immersion’ has prevented critical analysis. After disproving this prescriptive, top-down method that attempts to assess every videogame using preconceived formulas, the author demonstrates how the bottom-up conceptual toolkit evaluates the coming together of both videogame and gamer in a cybernetic syste...
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