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Bloodchild: Storyline, Setting, Central Unifying Device, and Characterization

Essay Instructions:

This book (please see the link below) is a guide to genre fiction (romance, mystery, horror, science fiction etc.). It's main audience, most likely, is librarians, and booksellers-- anyone who has to deal with far more books than they could ever possibly read.

The section on Science Fiction gives a really useful overview of the genre.

1. Please read from pages 244 to 250.

2. Then go back and focus on figure 245, and the list of characteristics.

3. Consider items # 1, 2 and 5 in particular in relation to 'Bloodchild'. Is there anything in the text's treatment of these three elements of the story that are similar?

Your assignment:

Please write a 1 to 1/2 page ( double-spaced) reflection on the 'Bloodchild', focusing on the three elements identified above. Can you identify something similar in the treatment of character, setting, and the central ideas of the story, somethinh that we could consider the central, unifying device?

Please put your name on your work, and upload it as a PDF before our next class.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Reflection on the 'Bloodchild'
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Gan is the narrator of the fiction "Bloodchild." He lives with his family on an alien planet occupied by insect-like species called "Tlic." Gan was chosen by TGatoi, a friend of his mother (Lien), to carry her eggs and reproduce, and he is happy about his role as an alien carrier. Gan witnesses the blood birth when TGatoi removes the hatched offspring from Lomas's abdomen while transferring them to a dead animal (Jenkins & Sciurba, 2022). He could not stop crying whenever he closed his eyes and saw worms swimming in human blood. This incident forced Gan to question his willingness to carry TGatois eggs, but in the end, he agrees and saves his family.
The setting of "Bloodchild" is focused on the future, where Butler describes science fiction as a story about male pregnancy. The narrative is based on imaginative science fiction scenarios (Alexander, 2020). The reason i...
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