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A Good Man is Hard to Find

Essay Instructions:

After looking up “epiphany” in the list of Literary Terms, explain the revelation that the grandmother has at the end of this story when her “head cleared for an instant.”
What type of woman is the grandmother? How is her character developed by O’Connor?
How would you describe this family?
Flannery O’Connor is a highly respected Southern author who was also a Christian. Do you find this surprising? Or can you see how story might carry a Christian message?

Your response should be a minimum of 500 words.

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There are only two kinds of people in the world, the good and bad. However, every human being has an innate kindness. Thus, everyone is still a good man. In today’s time, is it true that a good man is hard to find? Or do people simply have different definitions of what it means to be good? Flannery O’Connor’s “A Good Man is Hard to Find” is a story that depicts a person’s use of the belief in human goodness and the works of God in human lives. The story begins with the grandmother warning her family not to travel to Florida because they may be in danger due to the person known as “The Misfit,” who commits terrible and criminal acts. The grandmother then insists on taking the family to Tennessee, a state they are all familiar with. Unfortunately, their decision to travel to Tennessee resulted in their death. The story depicts the conflict between good and evil in many aspects of life.
The family in the story is a typical family that is ruled by who is the eldest. The family consists of the grandmother, her son and his wife, and their children. Due to their differences, their family is not as peaceful as others. The grandmother, who is the family’s eldest member, rules over the family. The story reveals the grandmother’s dominance. She is always demanding that her decisions be followed. For example, she is adamant about the location of their trip. She uses the criminal as an excuse not to go to Florida. She also insists on visiting the house with the secret panel, only to discover that it is not in Tennessee. In this case, the grandmother refused to admit her mistakes and even pretended to be hurt to avoid being blamed for their accident. Lastly, the grandmother hopes to persuade the criminal not t...
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