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Blake Mycoskie’s Social Entrepreneurship Successes and Challenges

Essay Instructions:

Report on a social entrepreneur that is of interest to you; Blake Mycoskie
In the report, please be sure to include an introduction and indicate why you chose to research the specific individual and why you think they’re a social entrepreneur
Please respond to all of the questions below in the report. Look to the file attached for the questions.
Use subheadings for the questions (report style)
Written report be 4 pages, double-spaced and use a 12 point font. Please provide references for all resources consulted. References and in text citation is required.

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Social Entrepreneurship
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Social Entrepreneurship
A social entrepreneur is an individual who focuses on novel applications to solve varied social problems in society. In this case, these individuals are committed and dedicated to taking risks to serve humanity through their initiatives. Social entrepreneurs such as Blake Mycoskie see their initiative as a way of connecting to other people's lives and ensuring they find purpose in life. The primary objective of these social initiatives is to create an impact in the community. Notably, Blake Mycoskie is an American entrepreneur and Philanthropist, which makes him social entrepreneurship. He is a reckoned entrepreneur who has helped change the lives of many people in and outside America.
The definition of social entrepreneurship applies to Blake Mycoskie because he focuses on creating impactful change in the community by helping vulnerable communities find their purpose in life. TOMS is an initiative that Blake Mycoskie established in 2006 after seeing the need for pair of shoes for Argentinian children. Typically, the company focuses on supporting children get at least a pair of shoes to ease life in school and real life. The act of sacrificing for the sake of the wellbeing of others is a noble task, and it can be termed as social entrepreneurship for change. Therefore, TOMS can be classified as a social initiative since an extra pair was given to a needy child for every pair of shoes manufactured. TOMS initiative was a program created on purpose; to help needy children fund purpose in life.
The Social Problem Addressed and Context of the Situation
Blake Mycoskie founded a company that would start a great path to change the lives of children in Argentina. The company would later develop the “one-on-One Model of social entrepreneurship.” It is a gesture that helped prove that giving does not cost a fortune but rather it creates fortunes. Blake Mycoskie and his TOMS initiative focused on helping children in Argentina get pair of shoes (Burstein, 2012). The context of the situation was to create a movement to change people's lives in the community. Blake saw children without shoes or shoes that could not fit them, which was the context of developing the initiative. Children walking without shoes meant they were susceptible to diseases that would affect their education and health in general.
Additionally, giving shoes to needy children spread from Argentina to other parts of the globe. Different countries have supported the TOMS initiative with shoes to need children (Talpalaru, 2014). For example, El Salvador, Kenya, Lithuania, and Tajikistan. Blake's initiative is focused on ensuring children have access to shoes. The buy-one and give-one initiative help solve social problems. The main social problem solved by this initiative is protection from diseases, which would increase poverty rates in society due to lack of resources.
The Story of Blake and how he Started TOMS
Blake Mycoskie is an entrepreneur and a philanthropist, and the journey to start the TOMS empire started in 2006 after he had traveled to Argentina (Handley, 2018). The idea to donate came from seeing women donating shoes to the needy children in Polo ranch. Blake Mycoskie saw a social need out of this gesture and decided to solve it by initiating the TOMS company. In this case, the entrepreneur would solve social problems and earn some money from his company (Talpalaru, 2014). TOMS is an abbreviation of "tomorrow shoes" since the women in Polo ranch were worried that the shoes would not last for long. Although the company made some fortune from his gesture, the original idea was to solve social problems. Blake Mycoskie founded TOMS to solve social problems in Argentina and later in other parts of the world. ...
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