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Strategies for Camp Quality USA to Improve its Interaction with the Target Audience

Essay Instructions:

The purpose of this assignment is for students to identify the organization that will serve as their "client" as the basis for future assignments, and to identify a theory of change that will guide future strategy work on behalf of the client.
In the first few weeks of the semester, students should identify an organization to serve as their client (students won't actually work with the organization, but should imagine themselves in the role of a consultant to the organization). The client will then become the focus of all future assignments in the course. The Email Marketing Strategy Memo, Web Strategy Memo and Social Media Strategy Memo will each require students to analyze and write for the selected organization, while the Capstone Project will require students to develop a comprehensive content strategy for the selected organizations.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Consultation for Camp Quality
Student Name
Institutional Affiliation
Consultation for Camp Quality
I will be consulting for Camp Quality USA, a part of an international family founded in Australia in 1983 in Sydney, Australia. The first USA camp was held in 1986. Camp Quality USA is a non-governmental organization that seeks to improve the quality of life for kids living with cancer. Its mission is to improve the quality of life of the children and their families through various camps and year-round support activities. The vision of Camp Quality USA is to have children living with cancer finding joy and hope via the power of laughter and optimism, sharing experiences, and ensuring sufficient support. Over the years, Camp Quality has given children the opportunity to be kids. The motto, "laughter is the best medicine," guides the organization to ensure that children live a happy life, despite going through a difficult situation. Parents also can enjoy camping experiences, which allows them to relax and enjoy with their sick children. In essence, the organization offers a safe and enjoyable environment for the parents and their children, away from their diagnosis's stresses.
There are potential opportunities for improving Camp Quality USA. Firstly, the organization has not developed much content for the website and social media sites. Compared to its counterparts in Canada and Australia, the organization in the USA has produced little content. There is room for improvement on the content to ensure that more people are informed on what the organization does. Without much information, individuals canno...
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