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Essay Instructions:
TD2 Quality vs. Costs Is it possible to increase quality of care without increasing costs? Try to point out a specific field where this can be achieved. TD3 Work Organization Mintzberg identifies three ways in which work may be organized: a. Process or occupation; b. Purpose or division; c. Matrix - Both process and purpose apply in a matrix. Which of them (in your eyes) is best suited for a Hospital environment? Please explain your answer. TD4 Professional Integration vs. Clinical Autonomy Professional integration may be a positive step, but as always it also has a down-side to it. One possible outcome is physicians loosing "clinical autonomy". Experts agree that as managed care extends its reach across the United States , physicians are increasingly concerned about potential reductions in income and loss of clinical autonomy. "Managed care's emphasis on cost reduction -- together with its logical consequences -- is forcing physicians to seek new organizational structures that will allow them to compete in this changing health care environment." (J. Mark Clapp) In all practicality, are we losing true clinical autonomy (and quality) in this area due to professional integration? TD5 Accountability: * Traditionally, accountability in health programs and health services organizations was directed to clinicians. * Over the past decade or so, we have witnessed a major shift in accountability from clinicians to third party payers and consumers of health services. * Therefore, managers must now ACCOUNT for actions to those who use and pay for health services, i.e., patients and health care insurance organizations. * They say that: "if you accept someone's money, you also need to accept their opinion". * Do you agree that this pertains to the Health Care environment? Please explain why. NOTE - the key word is "Accountability", so please focus your response on this within healthcare. Separate each TD by TD2, TD3, TD4, and TD5
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TD2 Quality over costs. It is very possible to increase the quality of care without increasing costs. This can be achieved through patient centered care. It is characterized by bringing together the patients illness experience as well as psychosocial context into a decision making that is shared between the physician and the patient. This may reduce the health care services use while on the other hand improving the health status as well as the patient satisfaction mainly amongst patients with hard to diagnose complaints. The communication and interaction between the patient and the physician contributes to lower health care costs (Faass 2001).
TD 3 Work organization. Matrix is the best hospital organizational structure. This is because both process and purpose are applied in it. It attempts to combine both advantages of product organizational structure and pure functional structure. In such an organization, information sharing is mandatory and the ...
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