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The Benefits of Including Diary Keeping in Daily Routine

Essay Instructions:

Be careful watching the Instruction, and follow the tips thank you

To begin, think again about the exigence (the annoyance, unresolved issue, unanswered question, or injustice) to which you were responding in your literacy narrative. As Bitzer puts it, the exigence is the occasion or the circumstances that call for a response. Assessment 3 is your response. The exigence also led you to choose a public text for rhetorical analysis in Assessment 2.

Treat Assessment 2 as some preliminary notes for Assessment 3. Only choose relevant sections (i.e., most likely your concluding paragraph) and combine with additional sources to develop a formal source-based academic essay with an original argument and a logical, unified structure. A modest, narrowly-focused argument is perfect for this assessment. Think small.

Write in the third-person point-of-view and do not refer directly either to the literacy narrative or the rhetorical analysis essay.

Include analysis of at least six sources. One cited source must be the public text of Assessment 2. (https://www(dot)stuff(dot)co(dot)nz/life-style/homed/how-to/123350174/dear-diary-keeping-track--and-on-top--of-modern-life)

Two or more sources must be academic peer-reviewed journal articles or book chapters. The other sources can be of any genre, but they must directly relate to your argument.

Include a List of References and cite all sources using APA 7th style.

Fully revise the essay paying close attention to formal presentation and the mechanics of writing.

Assessment 3 is not a fully-fledged research essay. Rather, it asks you to respond to the original exigence by putting relevant texts in conversation with others and locating your own point-of-view within the conversation. Your essay's thesis/argument is a more complex and sophisticated response to the exigence developed as a result of further investigating the problem, annoyance, puzzle, injustice, etc., through reading and analysing relevant texts.

To be eligible to earn full points, your essay will show evidence of careful revision. You can achieve this goal by completing the following Portfolio tasks:

Draft Submission: PF 10 requires you to submit a full draft of the essay to Assignments in Canvas so that your Stream Tutor can provide you with feedback in Weeks 11-12. PF Task 10 is worth 10%.

PF Tasks 11-12 revision activities.

Be sure to apply rhetorical tools to your own writing and thesis. For instance, try to locate the factors that are causing you to think the way you do. Seek out the weak spots in your own perspective for these will be the most difficult to notice. For instance, look at the kinds of claims you are making (logos, pathos, ethos, etc.). Also check whether you are using the most appropriate proof to support your claims, and whether you are analysing how the evidence supports the ideas in the topic sentence of the paragraph and in the analysis.

More Tips on Reading & Writing Your Draft:

Rhetorically analyse each of your sources first to see which ones will be useful or not.

In organising your draft, remember your audience. Carefully present your points in a logical order so that the reader is not confused by the different ideas that support your overall thesis.

When using evidence, discuss the relationship between the viewpoints, and show how these representations illuminate, inform, or challenge your own developing thoughts (but using the third-person point of view). Integrate the new sources and organise the argument effectively with substantive paragraphs.

Ensure that your paragraphs are sufficiently developed and contain:

a topic sentence / main idea or claim (not a question);

evidence (summary, quotations, and paraphrase) to support your claim; and

explanation and analysis [the warrant] on how the evidence supports the claim.

Your argument must convince a sceptical reader, so do not avoid the opposing point of view. Include it, rebut it, or concede to its validity and modify your own argument. Make sure that your voice dominates the essay, not the voices of your sources.

Enhance your own credibility (ethos) by giving yourself enough time to revise, edit, and proof-read your essay.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Benefits of Including Diary Keeping in Your Daily Routine
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The Benefits of Including Diary Keeping in Your Daily Routine
Diary keeping has been rediscovered as a beneficial tool for modern life, benefiting many areas. Recently, diary-keeping has gained popularity for its therapeutic effects. Writing releases pent-up emotions. According to the Times of India Blog (2022), expressive diary writing reduces stress and anxiety and improves mental well-being. Although maintaining a diary may have diminished in contemporary society, its potential for fostering personal development and enhancing overall well-being remains substantial. This post aims to present evidence supporting the notion that diary writing serves as a valuable method for alleviating tension and anxiety while simultaneously serving as a tool for introspection and self-evaluation. The process enables individuals to enhance comprehension of their cognitive and affective states, facilitating enhanced regulation of their emotions. This essay discusses the resurgence of diary-keeping in modern life. The report will focus on how diary writing can help people manage stress and anxiety by releasing emotions and boosting self-awareness.
Source #1
Kylie Klein-Nixon's "Dear Diary: Keeping track - and on top - of Modern Life" promotes journaling for stress and anxiety relief. According to the article, diary-keeping helps people express their feelings and manage life's challenges. Expressive writing, especially diaries, can calm emotions. Klein-Nixon's article explains how many people must remember New Year's resolutions. Setting lofty objectives and then being overwhelmed by life can cause tension and anxiety. Additionally, Bullet Journaling is presented for organizing thoughts and productivity. This technology may adapt to a person's mind, benefiting ADHD patients with cluttered thoughts.
Stress and anxiety management can benefit from Bullet Journaling's adaptability and ability to help people recover control. This systematic yet flexible method for organizing ideas and duties reduces confusion and overload, lowering stress and anxiety. According to the report, writing in a Bullet Journal makes people feel more controlled and intentional, reducing stress. Bullet Journal aficionados have made gorgeous journals, the report says. This creative journaling helps. Art and design aid emotional processing. This creative outlet helps reduce tension and anxiety by replacing writing. This implies that journaling can improve mental health and dynamic management. The essay suggests keeping a diary to manage stress and anxiety in modern living.
Source #2
Diary-keeping significantly fosters more self-reflection and self-improvement. This strategy requires the ability to identify and document personal strengths and weaknesses. Frequent diary writing helps people understand their thoughts, actions, and emotions (Times of India Blog, 2022). Creating journal goals to improve well-being provides this introspective benefit. Diary-keeping allows for self-reflection and analysis, according to the author. People can learn about their emotions and mental habits by recording their thoughts and feelings. Times of India Blog (2022) states journaling improves thought clarity and writing skills. Self-discovery and self-expression reduce stress and anxiety by helping people understand and control their emotions.
Setting clear goals in a journal promotes self-improvement and self-awareness. This method encourages proactive stress and anxiety management. Goals and progress can help people grow. Self-reflection helps people identify stress and anxiety triggers and improve coping skills. Journaling improves writing, according to the source. The report helps people think clearly and communicate their thoughts and feelings. This can be therapeutic and empowering because it allows people to express their feelings, which helps manage stress and anxiety.
Source #3
As stated by Jannah et al. (2019), the concept of expressive writing provides significant contributions to understanding how writing might assist individuals in effectively coping with cognitive anxiety, a particular manifestation of fear commonly encountered by sports, such as badminton players. Klein-Nixon (2021) provides an overview of the advantages associated with the practice of maintaining a diary as a means of effectively managing stress and anxiety. In contrast, (Jannah et al., 2019) dig deeper into the cognitive dimension of pressure and explore the role of expressive writing as a mechanism for addressing this psychological condition.
Jannah et al. (2019) emphasize that cognitive anxiety, a component of competitive state anxiety, can detrimentally affect an athlete's performance by eliciting pessimistic ideas and emotions regarding their skills and the forthcoming competition. The type above of concern exhibits more excellent stability and resilience than somatic anxiety. Expressive writing is advocated as a strategy that holds promise in mitigating cognitive state anxiety by facilitating the release of unpleasant thoughts and emotions, fostering introspection into one's feelings and ideas, and promoting mental clarity by purging these harmful components. According to Jannah et al. (2019), keeping a diary as a form of expressive writing provides a safe space for emotional release and introspection.
An organized framework helps athletes and others manage their demands. This framework helps express worries and process emotions, aiding coping. The emphasis on athletes and competitive scenarios highlights the adaptability of expressive writing and diary-keeping, suggesting that these techniques can be utilized in diverse anxiety and stress management settings. (Jannah et al., 2019) It supports the assertion that keeping a diary is a good strategy for effectively managing stress and anxiety. It emphasizes journal-keeping's effectiveness in lowering cognitive state anxiety in athletes. This article provides add...
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