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Analysis of Our Blind Spot About Guns by Nicholas Kristof

Essay Instructions:

The final essay will require you to summarize the chosen essay (see options below), identify the author's point of view (argument/thesis), describe a writing strategy that the author uses and state whether it is effective or not and why. You must include examples by quoting the original text. This analysis should be written in 3rd person point of view In addition, you will compose a response to the essay, an Author's Response (you are the author). In your response, you will state your position on the topic and whether you agree with argument or not. You will find one source that is related to the topic, that provides additional perspective that can support your position whether it be the same point of view as the essay or an opposing view. You must include either a direct quote or paraphrase from the resource you have found in your research. The Author's Response can be written in 1St person point of view.

1. Select one of the following three articles as the topic of your essay:

"Our Blind Spot About Guns", Nicholas Kristof, p. 177

• "Representation of Disney Princesses in the Media," Isabelle Gill, p. 759

• "Outbreak of the Irrational, Sarah Dzubay" p. 825

2. Use Tutor.com as needed

3. Complete the following worksheet

4. Submit your worksheet for grading

5. Review your feedback and, if necessary, speak with your instructor

Worksheet Questions

Week 1 Worksheet Proposal Document


•Week 1 Writing Assignment Example.

• What is the title and author of your selected essay?

What is the topic of the essay?

• What is the author's argument on the topic?

What evidence does the author use to present their point of view?

• Identify one writing strategy (rhetorical mode) the author uses to make their argument?

• What is your position on the topic?

• Do you agree or disagree with author? Why?

• What would you do differently if you were to present this argument? (Describe specific elements)

Describe reasons why someone might disagree with the author's stance?

Consider audience: Who would benefit from reading this?

•Now compose your thesis statement (main idea by following this formula

• THESIS: Title of Essay _Author's name_

Insert verb_advocates, shines a light on) Topic_and Author's position or main point.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Week 1 Worksheet Assignment
Week 1 Worksheet Assignment
What is the title and author of your selected essay?
My selected essay is “Our Blind Spot About Guns” by Nicholas Kristof.
What is the topic of the essay?
The essay’s topic is critical gun regulation in the United States (U.S.).
What is the author's argument on the topic?
The author argues that America should execute crucial evidence-based strategies to control guns and decrease gun violence like the government regulating cars to eliminate accidents. He claims that, unlike cars, guns have not received attention and a rational approach to control their usage.
What evidence does the author use to present their point of view?
Kristof employed several evidence to reinforce his arguments. For example, he pinpointed historical instances of gun regulation legislation in the nineteenth century and the National Rifle Association in recommending gun control. He also offered evidence by assessing the decrease in fatalities because of practical car control that introduced seatbelts, licenses, airbags, and car registration, among other safety techniques (Kristof, 2014).
Identify one writing strategy (rhetorical mode) the author uses to make their argument?
Regarding the rhetorical mode, the author utilizes a persuasive writing method, which is effective because it inco...
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