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Benefits and Dangers of “radical” Sense of Learning

Essay Instructions:

Journal 1 questions
1. What do you make of the claim that any worthwhile education involves being radically turned around, and consequently is painful, difficult, and disruptive of one’s previous beliefs and relationships.
Have you experienced radical moments of learning which proved worthwhile? Or, has the worthwhile been possible only because it was gradual and integrated? From your experience can schools foster this “radical” sense of learning?
2. If education is a radical turning, unsettling of what we think we know and potentially destructive of our comfortable beliefs, is it right to teach for this goal? Is it right to teach so that people can leave the cave? What are the benefits of this? What are the dangers?
Journal 2 question
Watch the short 10 min. clip (available onLink【https://vimeo(dot)com/171201799 from the documentary Where To Invade Next (2016) by Michael Moore, which shows the approach to education in Finland. For this week's one paragraph response (80-150 words) write down what struck you about the approach to education portrayed in the clip. Is it different from your experience? If so, how?

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Journal Questions
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Journal Questions
Journal 1
Question 1
I agree that any worthwhile education involves being radically turned around. As an individual, the only way I could acquire any worthwhile education was through pain, difficulty, and continuous disruption. Because of this involuntary suffering, I have been able to reach my current academic level. I have experienced several radical moments of learning that have proved worthwhile. For instance, while in elementary school, I often had to do several mathematics exercises with my dad so I could be better than my classmates. Besides increasing my ability to compete in the classroom, I was always ahead of my teacher in every mathematics class. In the end, I found it easier to excel in the subject. I think that schools can foster this kind of radical sense of learning. Moreover, to this date, it is the most widely used educational method worldwide. Few countries have departed from the technique choosing instead to adopt soft educational methods.
Question 2
I do not think that it is right to teach to destruct our comfortable beliefs potentially. I think so because some of the modern educational methods used in countries such as Finland are proving to be more efficient. However, it is important to note that the educational methods used in different countries also depend on the population. For instance, it is hard to employ the same educational approach used in Finland in a developing country like Congo. This is because, in Congo, the largest percent...
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