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The Outsider: On Being Different Research Assignment

Essay Instructions:

Hi. I need this essay for my English classes. Essay need to be simple for person, who learning English language. The topic of the essay: the outsider/Autism . The essay structure : introduction, 3 body points, conclusion. The essay should be positive, try to use more own words. Also when you using someones paraphrase or quote or something else from source show name at person before or after sentence. Mostly writers showing name almost in the end of paragraphs in the brackets. And after that I have to read all of sources and change everything. It takes lots of time. Please don't do that. Write as I show. For example:" To work is a blessing", says Russell Honoree or as pointed by ....., as asserted by ...., etc. Show name of person or source exactly before or after sentence.
Here is 5 sources what you can use in essay:
here are some myths—things people think or used to think were true, but really aren’t:
• Caused by bad parenting “cold mother”
• Autistics can’t relate to other people at all
• Autistics are dangerous and potentially violent
• Autistics are not capable of achieving anything important in the world
The last source about 10 amazing individuals you can include in conclusion and finish the paper. Using all this sources don't forget pls about reading packet, you must read from the reading packet 2 stories and show some quote or paraphrase from that stories in the essay. Teacher want to be make sure I read all reading packet and I'll use in essay 5 sources what she give plus 2 stories from reading packet .I'm going to attach the reading packet to my order. Let me know if you have any question. Thanks.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Outsider: On Being Different
Institution of Affiliation
The Outsider: On Being Different
Autism is one of the factors which contribute to the neglecting of some individuals within the community. People who are suffering from this disorder are devalued and not considered as ordinary people like the others. Individuals, who are autistic, have occasionally been mistreated making them feel inferior within the community. They have not been given the freedom to exploit their abilities within the society which relentlessly makes it difficult for them to discover their strengths. Unless the community is educated and their myths about autistics are proven wrong, they won’t stop discriminating them. Some ideas as explained below which can help the society realize and accept the autistics in the society.
Hasan and Chitale articulate that different cultures have developed myths which are attached to the autism (Hasan & Chitale, 2008). They insist that most of these myths have been proven to be provocative especially for the individuals suffering from autism. Some of the myths defined by these psychologists who performed tests include: autistic people cannot perform the same duties which other ordinary individuals can perform, autistic people cannot concentrate as other members of the society can concentrate and autistic people should not work in more sensitive areas considering their concentration is low compared to other ordinary individuals.
For example, considering the story about "Jon Will aptitudes," by Gorge Will F. we discover that Jon is an individual who interacts with the society normally despite him being different and behaving different as considered of an ordinary person in the society (George). We can clearly identify this as he does his work as a messenger with no faults. His undoubtful efforts can be realized when he goes to work on his birthday. Jon is dedicated to his work of mail delivery. It reveals that autistic individuals can be productive just like the other ordinary people within the society.
The community should not neglect the autistic individuals rather it should prioritize them (Dunvan & Zucker, 2010). Donvan, Zucker, and Murray highly glorify the software companies which are employing autistic individuals because they seem to believe in their relentless efforts. It shows how the society is trying to utilize such persons as they believe that they have potential same as the other people. The major objective for such companies as the writers insist is to show the world that they can still make a profit through utilizing positively such people within the society. Their personal interest in owning such companies is also to motivate the society towards accepting such people within the society. The commonness of this idea is also expressed by Gareth Cook in his article on the benefits of autism (Cook, 2012). He asserts that such individuals can be part of the main business plans that people make. As observed, they work relentlessly to achieve their set goals and they devote their time fully to work perfectly.
The society needs to realize that there are hidden strengths of the autistic kids as articulated by Rose Eveleth in her article (Eveleth, 2011). The only way in which the society needs to prove this is through identifying the potentials of the kids and exploiting it...
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