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Written Exam: Part of Theology that is known as Theodicy

Essay Instructions:

Choose ONE of the following topics and submit your response via Assignment Dropbox.
Note: Do not use external sources for this essay. The book chapters and the corresponding power point presentations should be sufficient. 
Define the part of theology that is technically known as theodicy. Pick an example of extraordinary evil in the world and present it briefly. Use your example to explain the relevance of the problem of theodicy. Why is theodicy said to be more central to monotheistic religions than to other forms of religion? 
What role does salvation play in religion, both for the individual and the whole community? Give an example of how an individual can perceive salvation and explain the ways he/she follows in order to attain it (for example, you can explain how a Buddhist perceives nirvana and seeks to achieve it by following the way of meditation).

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Written Exam
Define the part of theology that is technically known as theodicy. Pick an example of extraordinary evil in the world and present it briefly. Use your example to explain the relevance of the problem of theodicy. Why is theodicy said to be more central to monotheistic religions than to other forms of religion?
Apart from the mystery of the origin of life itself, there has been nothing more mysterious, more confusing, and more polarizing than religion. The world is composed of people from various backgrounds and cultures, practicing different religious beliefs. Each culture has got its religious belief system and hence its own Supreme Being, to whom they place their absolute trust and faith in the Supreme Being. The only bottom-line similarity among all these religious beliefs is the concept of salvation. Everyone related salvation to good deeds that one does throughout his or her life on earth. The central question that usually arises out of religion and the existence of God is why evil still prevails if there is a Supreme Being that indeed cares for His creation. This is what in turn brings theodicy.
Theodicy is simply the aspect of trying or attempting to defend God amid the problems raised by evil. Theodicy was a term put forward by Leibniz, in an effort to explain some terms. First was that God is omnipresent and omnipotent. Secondly, that the universe itself, is the work of God, and is there so as to be in an alternate relationship with Him. The third term is what raises issues ...
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