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Bangladesh and Afghanistan Common Societal Problem

Essay Instructions:

From chapters 8 and 9, pick two countries you think share a common problem, and then, use any 2 spatial thinking components as a lens to write/create some solutions for the problem(s).
500 word max. Remember to pose a question at the end of your response.
Spatial thinking components: social, economic, political, physical/location, environmental
Text Book: ttps://dropmefiles.com/SXvDj

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Bangladesh and Afghanistan
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Bangladesh and Afghanistan
Bangladesh and Afghanistan are in South Asia and are both members of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation. The two countries share a common societal norm problem. In both countries, women are regarded as inferior to men and are subjected to a lot of suffering. Although women are allowed to participate in education and various government programs in Afghanistan, they still face various traditional constraints (Marston et al., 2017). Women are required to pay dowry to the groom's parent, which has subjected many women to a lot of physical harm and sometimes murder by their husbands. The major cause of the assault is to ensure that more payments are extorted from the bride's family. This is also the case in Bangladesh, where many women suffer as they are neglected and maltreated. Despite the traditional constraints causing women so much pain, a lack of education also causes men to continue with these backward practices. 
According to government statistics, the literacy level in Afghanistan at the end of 2013 was 26.1%. Only 12% of women are literate, making them the lowest globally (Marston et al., 2017). Thus, to ensure that various backward social norms in Afghanistan and Bangladesh are eliminated, individuals should be educated. It is critical that more schools are opened in this country, and more people are encouraged to study. It is also essential to formulate programs and policies that protect women's rights. Cases of dowry mu...
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