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Augustine (354 - 430)

Essay Instructions:
Augustine (354-430) Confessions (Latin) Page #: 1113-1130 RESPONSE ESSAYS (1) Response Essay on selections from Augustine—Discuss the ways in which the writing style, content, and analytical approach to his life establish Augustines "Confessions" as an early model for Christian Autobiography. Make specific references his work.
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Confessions of Augustine (354 - 430) Name: Institution: During the time that Augustine wrote the confessions, the Roman Empire was going through some of the toughest times. At the time those believed in God were firmly in hope that their God would come through while the other part of the population that did not believe, blamed the Christians for not playing enough to their God, other than that they blamed the gods for letting them down. Before this period, the Romans believed that their empire was the greatest and there was some believe that it would remain as so forever, and for that reason they called Rome the eternity city. The collapse and the dismay that hit the Romans at the time is the sole reason that he wrote the confessions. He intended to show the people the true face of God, by relating to his own life experiences without God and finally when he got to know God. For decades on end the catholic Christians have taken these confessions t be some of the most pure philosophies and moral framework of any devoted Christian. Having been one of the most developed cities in the world at the time, it is easy to see why the Romans felt despair when the city finally came to its knees. A good portion of the people were pagans although they had been preached to, it is therefore easy to understand why Augustine chose to use his own life experiences. This was a very good approach, as most of the people would relate with the story and teachings of Augustine. In his confessions, to make sure that he got to speak to those that had not converted to Christianity, he relates to the way he had a sinful youth. These are things that Augustine was not proud of, but he is willing to share with the Romans so as to make sure that they understand that they too can change. This is a very good way of relating with the people, since he uses experiences from his life that are relevant to the Romans. Other than bring the gospel to the people by reprimanding ans condemning them for not believing in God, he tries to help them understand that they too are not too broken as they can change just as he did. Towards the middle of his life, Augustine gets baptized and is converted into a catholic Christian. The fact that Augustine uses his life to relate to Romans in their current situation is the same way that the catholic Christians hold the teaching of Augustine with much respect. In a way on can say that the life that Augustine paints in the confessions is actually a metaphor of every Christian’s life as they struggle to find their bearings in the field of faith. It is no...
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