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Attire Restrictions In The Workplacein The Workplace

Essay Instructions:

Helping me to add more information, especially, the third paragraph,(The use of attire to manage impressions also play an important role, since clients would give an assessment and the first impressions to them in the workplace. Therefore, using the attire to accomplish certain workplace objectives would easily build a reliable relationship between each other.(People whose clothes would reflect their personality so that the clients could easily remember them).Furthermore, the fourth paragraph which focuses on the religious attires can be also strengthened from some perspectives. And also the counterargument which should strengthen my point that the attire restrictions is incorrect).Thank you.

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Attire restrictions in the workplace
Diya Chu
Who would ever want to meet a weirdly dressed accountant whenever they visited a given bank for the first time?Appearance and presentation of oneself in the various places of work have over the time been an issue of concern. Different dressing codes have been observed to realize different objectives within the workplace. Some employers impose various policies that restrict the appearance of their employees in the workplace. As much as this may be plausible and recommended for the decency they bring forth in the workplaces in most cases, these policies carry with them various problems that profoundly affect the individual employees and would, in the long run, affect the productivity of the different workplaces.As much as professionalism in the workplace has been associated with certain codes of dressing, people should be given the freedom of choosing whatever they want to wear. It would ensure that they are not discriminated regarding their sexual orientation, cultures, and beliefs and that they are allowed to dress in whatever makes them comfortable and without adhering to any policies. Moreover, the value of the clothing, appearance management as well as the beliefs should be left entirely for the person to decide on without being coerced or forced into by someone else. This would enhance the productivity in the various workplaces, as the employees would be much more comfortable in their outfits. Even though the principles guiding dressing codes in the workplace are often embraced, they are associated with various problems. Some restrictions and policies on attire at workplace have been processed to ensure credibility of professional in the offices but people should be given the freedom to make decisions on what they want to wear based on their culture, reduction of stress, sexual orientation and personal expression. Besides, it should depend on themselves especially self expression, self beliefs and value of such attires.
Many employers believe that people would devote more physical and mental effort if they stick to appropriate wardrobes. The policies, therefore, dictate for a particular mode of dressing with the intentions of improving the workforce. To be more specifically, one sample appearance policy shows that “faded and/or tattered/torn jeans; T-shirts displaying advertising or writing. In additional, faded overalls, cotton/fleece pants and jogging suits, shorts, tank tops, or recreational attires(Goldner,M.H,2010) which are all be regards as the inappropriate dresses in the workplace.They often ensure that the dressing code or policy is such that the mental state, as well as the physical state of a person, is not destructed. Conversely, given a chance to choose what wear would actually improve their working efficiencies. The research finds that “males have been found to believe that clothing can enhance self-perceptions of various occupational attributes” (Karl.K, Rust.K. 2006). Hence, it is essential to let the employees choose what they want to wear in the workplace. Additionally, Self-monitoring could be one of the elements of the working efficiency, since, the high self-monitoring behaviour is related to a person’s ability closely. People who have their own special standards of wearing awareness would probability have higher sense of self-monitoring. As the research indicates that” High self-monitors compared to low self- monitors will be more likely to believe that their attire has a positive impact on the way they feel about themselves and their workplace outcomes” (Karl.K, Rust.K. 2006).According to the news that some bosses would also tends to make the make the monotonous working attires into the business-causal wearing in order to increase their moral and inspirations and make the workers feel comfortable and happy (Krischer. C. 2016). To sum up, comprehensive and comfortable attire enhance the productivity of the employees. Wearing tight and uncomfortable certain attire may jeopardize the productivity of the employees as they will take too much time to make themselves relaxed and free.
The standard modes of dressing used to portray a given impression in the workplaces as the first impression plays a great role regarding customer care. The dressing policies in this regard try to achieve specific workplaceobjectives. Dressing regulation based on the established goals ensures that the workers dress in a manner likely to please the people they serve. This is to ensure that the customers, for instance, enjoy the services of whoever is serving them as a result of how they present themselves. The employers, in this case, must be aware of the taste and preferences of the people they are likely to encounter (Vickers, 2013). The dressing code of persons working in a bank can therefore not be the same as the dressing code of people working in a bar.
Regarding self expression, attire helps people manage their impressions and expression especially for the clients who give the first assessment on first impressions at the workplace. In such circumstances, attires fulfil the workplace objectives and help in building rapport and confidence as well as ensuring the positive relationship among the staffs as well as employees and customers. Furthermore, employees who hold meetings with clients in the offices or workplaces such as restaurants retails shops and even banks where there are constant interactions with the clients dress appropriately to boost their confidence, ensure positivity and business. On the same note, customers usually remember personality in people. For instance, customers might view an employee as disciplined and dedicated in terms of the outlook and attire. Hence, employees who wear appropriately and use clothes to reflect their characters enable customers to identify or recognize them as well as their services quickly.
Workplace attire should always conform and support the religious and cultural beliefs of the surrounding community. Precisely, the policies claim that “In the context of workplace, the right to religious freedom can therefore apply to religious employers who may wish to impose faith requirements on their staff” (Vickers, 2015). It is obviously that the religious attire not only protected from the the religious groups, but also the religious individuals. Moreover, they have rights to keep their human equality in the workplace in order to avoid the discrimination. However, some companies wo...
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