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Assignment 2: Problem Solving Literature & Language Essay

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Assignment Two: Problem Solving
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Assignment Two: Problem Solving
In every stage of human development, people have to face problems that require solutions. While running away from the problem or procrastinating are some of the options for evading facing problems, the best approach is to face the problem and develop a solution towards it. Problems are part of human life and solving a single problem enhances our abilities and skills of facing and solving other problems in the future. As such, it is important to face problems and solve them without evading them. Andrews (2015) defines problem-solving steps as the steps of working through the details of the problem to reach the best solution. This paper applies the six-step problem-solving process to solve a problem scenario in real life. The scenario, in this case, is about balancing family life, career, and personal health. I will apply critical thinking skills to the six-step problem-solving process to solve this problem scenario.
Problem definition
The problem scenario, in this case, requires striking a balance between the career, work, family life, and personal health. I have two jobs, one during the week from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm and one on Saturday from 6:00 pm to 11:00 pm in addition to one class online. There are two kids in my house, one in soccer and the other in the band. There are also two elderly parents who cannot drive.
Additionally, I have two siblings, one living two miles away and the other in a different state. I happen to have two papers in the week when one of my sons has a soccer tournament, and the other is having a band concert where I have to oversee fundraising for the band concert. I am also frustrated that my goal is to complete my degree course in two years and my doctor has told me that my blood pressure, cholesterol level, and weight are too high and has recommended several medications that cost about $200 per month after the insurance co-pay.
Problem Analysis
Problem analysis is the second step in the problem-solving process (GDRC, n.d.). This step entails evaluating the problem and where I am now. The problem, in this case, is wide, and I will have to break it down to identify the critical areas before opting for the best solution. Two of the most important areas of this problem are my career and personal health. I will only be able to attend to other aspects of the problem if I have solved my health issue. Similarly, my job is outstanding because it is the source of funds for my health. I cannot also ignore my elderly parents and my children who require my attention.
I have decided to approach this problem by first identifying flexible areas of the problem. Flexible areas are areas I can adjust and control. These include the family life and online classes. In the family life, I will have to weigh between attention from children as well as my elderly parents. I will also look at the potential advantages that my siblings can offer. I also have the ability to adjust the time I spend on the online classes. The other side of this problem is involved in flexible areas. These are areas that I cannot adjust because they are beyond my control. They include the exams and the two jobs which I have to attend. I generate a range of options in the next step to help me solve this problem.
Possible Solutions
According to Jael (2017), this step entails generating possible solutions to the problem without judging them. For my health, I can decide to take a loan for medication and repay it as I continue ...
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