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Creation of narcissism childhood to adulthood. Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

***I have attached the article list in reference to this topic. You may also feel free to use other articles based on this topic if needed. I also attached previous presentation regarding this assignment for more information you can use to incorporate***

Throughout this course, you will be progressively building a research paper that will be submitted in stages to the instructor. Each of these stages is important to help you organize your thoughts and write a thorough review of established literature on a particular topic. The finished product for this assignment will be a double-spaced, 8–10-page-paper (not including title page, abstract, and references) addressing your chosen topic. You must include at least 8 relevant journal articles in your paper. At least 5 articles must be empirical* and recent (written within the last 5 years unless the citation is linked to an author whose work is seminal to your topic). This paper must be written in a scholarly fashion, strictly adhering to current APA standards. Do not express your own opinion.

You must use the following guidelines in constructing your research paper:

• Title page

• Abstract page

• Introduction must define and discuss the importance of your topic.

• Body of paper must organize the topic in a meaningful way and critically review the current empirical knowledge base relevant to your topic. The paper must synthesize findings which address:

• Implications of considering diverse populations

• Implications of crisis/trauma-causing events on the topic under investigation

• Implications of resiliency

• The implications of neurobiology

• The integration of at least one developmental theory

• Conclusion section must include a discussion of practice/policy implications/recommendations and future research directions.

• Reference page must list at least 5 primary empirical sources.

• Follow current APA Publication Manual organization and style guidelines. Points will be deducted for format violations and grammatical problems.

*Reports of empirical studies summarize original research. Many journal articles are reports of empirical studies. In order to learn how to review the literature, it is important to be able to read and understand reports of empirical studies. Empirical articles have the following sections: abstract, introduction, method, results, discussion, and references. The Research Paper that you are writing is a literature review based upon empirical studies; therefore, your paper will not have methods, results, and discussion sections as they would appear in an empirical paper.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Narcissism Personality Disorder
GRST 501
Rough Draft
The research was able to show that narcissism developed during adulthood is as a result of an aggregation of circumstances and experiences undergone during childhood. In this report, I have looked at the development of narcissism from childhood to adulthood focusing on the factors that contribute to narcissism. The report has been able to show that narcissism can be caused by crisis/trauma experiences during childhood, growing up in none diverse neighborhoods, abnormalities in the brain, parental overvaluation, and the desire to be resilient. The report can be used to prevent narcissism development during the early ages.
Keywords: Narcissism, aggregation, personality, disorder, resilience
Narcissism Personality Disorder
Why do children grow up having an inflated sense of self-worth? Without knowing it, many children suffer from narcissistic personality disorder. In most cases the disorder develops during early childhood. There are 9 main key traits that determine if a person is a narcissist. It is characterized by grandiose sense of self-importance, preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success and power etc., strong sense of entitlement, believes to be special or unique (associates with high status people and institutions), requires excessive admiration and attention, exploitative, highly arrogant, envious/aggressive, lack of empathy which is the main give away out of all. The illness impacts both children and adults all over the world, and the victim spends a lot of time thinking about how to achieve success or power in a short time. As a result, their behavior gets odd, and they react negatively to different social and economic situations. Narcissism level among the youth today has been on the rise with many of them prone to violence and aggression. The research will show that narcissism developed during adulthood is as a result of an aggregation of circumstances and experiences undergone during childhood.
Understanding the disorder
Narcissism is not something that people are born with; it is something that they develop as they grow up. Cichminski & Bellomo (2016) define narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) as a disorder where people feel as if the whole world revolves around them. The authors further argue that a person suffering from NPD normally has an inflated feeling of their self-importance. Normally, they never have the ability to empathize with other people and they often have a strong desire to keep the focus on themselves. It is believed that, narcissism is more common in men than in women. It is the reason why most men are chaotic and often cause harm to other people (woman i.e. relationships). Naturally, for their development, children are selfish as they look to have all their needs met. They can never understand the needs and desires of others. There is need for this self-centeredness to gradually decline so that children can develop healthily and have good self-esteem that allows them to care and protect themselves while also caring for others (Johnson &Berdahl, 2017). This way, when they grow into adults, they will be able to function well in society. However, when parents fail, their children more than likely become narcissists.
The concept of narcissism dates back to several years ago. However, it is not more than 50 years ago that narcissistic personality disorder was recognized as an illness. It requires a trained health professional to diagnose narcissistic personality disorder. People with narcissistic personality disorder do not often tend to get treatment for it until after it interferes with their health.
Opposing Viewpoints
A person with the narcissistic personality disorder does not have empathy or a desire to love. They desire an extremely high level of admiration. Their motto towards people and life is to control, take and destroy. A person who only cares for self cannot respect anyone in the society. Hundreds to thousands of Americans have become narcissistic. They do not want anyone to be around them when they are dealing with narcissistic injuries (emotionally and mentally distraught).
Narcissists are present all around us, but it is difficult to identify and distinguish them from the rest. Unless, you have some type of close interactions with them, and closely observe the things that do and say, the narcissist seems to be a normal person. Without proper observation and diagnosis, it is impossible to identify them. They should be provided with immediate treatment. The person with narcissistic personality disorder is only concerned about their personal needs. An inpatient program along with psychotherapy and family involvement can help them recover from the illness. They are well capable of injuring or killing someone in order to fulfill their personal desires, or if they snap in rage. Narcissists create destruction for peop...
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