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Aspect of Embracing Cultural Inclusivity and Diversity

Essay Instructions:

Please see below for requirements for this assignment.
I. Writing Notes: Use these writing notes as a way to gather your thoughts and determine your strategy for writing your persuasive essay. This process will allow you to develop a potential structure for effectively persuading readers to agree with your argument. These notes will be helpful in keeping your thought process on track when you begin writing and revising your essay.
1. Your argument is the main point that you are trying to make in your essay. It should clearly state your
opinion on your issue. Describe the argument to be addressed in your persuasive essay, and include
how the argument is connected to your major, the major you are considering pursuing, or your field of
2. Key points are pieces of evidence that support an author’s main argument. What are three possible key
points for your selected issue? How do they support your main argument?
3. Your audience is the person or people you are addressing in your essay. Who is the audience that will
be reading your essay? What potential challenges will you encounter in supporting your argument
with this audience?
4. Your goal is the end result that you wish to achieve in writing this essay. What goal do you hope to
accomplish? What will this essay need to be successful?
5. Potential resources are pieces of evidence that could be used to support your argument. List potential
resources that could be used as supporting evidence for your argument, and provide a brief
description of each and how it will reinforce your argument.
6. Using the supporting resources you identified above, list each of the points of your argument with the
resources that support them. This process will help you begin to form an effective essay structure.
7. Determine aspects of your argument that would be effectively supported with evidence. Defend your

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Writing Notes
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Writing Notes
The key argument for this essay is the aspect of embracing cultural inclusivity and diversity to motivate employees and increase productivity. The paper pegs its main argument on the fact that the global market is changing and marked with individual differences. Though globalization has opened up the world, it has also introduced the challenge of co-existence and tolerance of every market’s differences. However, there is a need for businesses to leverage these differences and gain a competitive advantage through inclusivity.
The first point is that diversity entails using the existing programs/processes. It supports the main point by indicating that embracing diversity does not entail introducing new measures but simply using existing ones to develop an inclusive work environment. The second point entails the aspect of using creating internal diversity and leveraging on the same to enhance results. This argument enhances the main argument by making the point that there is a need to consider outside perspectives to be able to take advantage of diversity fully. The third argument is that there is a need for the management of organizations to invest in cultural competency. The essence of this point lies in its insistence that leaders must lead from the front. Before employees are made to develop a tolerance for each other’s differences, a manager must first deal with their individual biases and stereotypes and create an environment where diversity thrives.
Organizations. This essay is meant for organizations, especially managers with a keen eye, to tap into the benefits of diversity and inclusivity. However, there are challenges that this audience can present. First is the rigidity of the management of certain organizations that can prevent the adoption of new ideas. The second potential challenge entails the problem of resistance. Change is not easily welcomed. Therefore, introducing this concept is likely to ruffle some feathers and cause challenges in supporting the argument.
The goa...
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